Florida Signs Pro-Life Law

Florida Signs Pro-Life Law

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has officially signed the Reducing Fetal and Infant Mortality Act into law.

As of Thursday, it will now be illegal to perform abortions 15 weeks into pregnancy in the sunshine state.


Florida Signs Pro-Life Law-

DeSantis can be seen in the video above signing the pro-life legislation into law amongst some of Florida’s leading pro-life activists. The ceremony took place at a church in Kissimmee named Nacion de Fe.

“This bill safeguards innocent, unborn children with beating hearts, who can move, taste, see, feel pain, and whose lives should be protected under the laws of this state,” said Lakeland Republican Sen. Kelli Stargel.

The Reducing Fetal and Infant Mortality Act is just one of many pro-life laws DeSantis has signed into law. As he has notably been a strong advocate for the pro-life movement throughout his time in office.

In May 2019, he signed a bill into law that requires parental consent for minors seeking abortions. He also enacted a “heartbeat bill” earlier this year which would have made it illegal to have an abortion once a fetal heartbeat can be detected. However, that law was later blocked by a federal judge.

The law contains an exception for medical emergencies, including if the mother’s health is threatened or if the child possesses a “fatal fetal abnormality,” but not for cases of rape or incest.

It’s worth noting that these exceptions, in addition to abortions after 15 weeks are rare.

DeSantis has made it clear that he plans to continue fighting for the pro-life cause and looks forward to signing more legislation in the future.

“This is who we are,” DeSantis said at the signing ceremony. “This is what Floridians want, and I’m proud to be able to deliver on that.”

Florida is not the only state to have recently enacted similar legislation. Mississippi, Ohio, Kentucky, and Georgia have all passed laws banning abortion after 15 weeks (with exceptions for medical emergencies).

Alabama has gone even further, passing a law that would ban abortion at any stage of pregnancy unless the mother ‘s health is at risk.

It’s clear that the pro-life movement is continuing to gain momentum and make significant progress, despite strong opposition from pro-choice activists, who have only enhanced their rhetoric towards those who oppose abortions.

Probably the most recent example was when Representative Madeleine Dean (D-PA) declared that Republican-led state legislatures banning abortion were “cynical, grotesque, [and] lacking in compassion.

This trend is likely to continue as more and more Americans continue to voice their support for the protection of unborn babies.

President Biden and his administration have routinely denounced the pro-choice movement, along with similar anti-abortions bills. With various activist groups pledging to attack these new Republican-led polices in the court room.

As it appears, while Democrat run states continue to increase access to abortions, including late term ones as seen in places like California, Republican states are becoming more equipped to fire back in the opposite direction.


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