Former Bartender Ocasio-Cortez Doesn’t Think Howard Schultz Has Enough Experience to be President

Irony is completely lost on Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the freshman Congresswoman from New York, who suggested Wednesday morning that former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz does not have the experience necessary to run for President.

‘Why don’t people ever tell billionaires who want to run for President that they need to ‘work their way up’ or that ‘maybe they should start with city council first?” the former bartender-turned Congresswoman asked on Twitter.

She was responding to a Daily Beast report that Schultz is considering an independent run for president due to her plans to tax the ever-loving hell out of the rich, which certainly includes Schultz. Her comments were obviously made in reference to the suggestions given to her when she decided to run for Congress without any prior experience governing.

Like it or not, Americans view massively successful businesspeople like Shultz or President Donald J. Trump as presidential contenders because they have experience running massive organizations, not entirely dissimilar to the federal government. In this sense, they have the requisite experience in which voters are interested.

Ocasio-Cortez is so self-absorbed that she cannot understand the difference between herself, whose only experience in the private sector was fetching gin and tonics, and Shultz, who at his peak was one of the most powerful businesspeople on the planet. This is who the fine people in New York’s 14th District elected to represent them in Congress.

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