Former Hunter Biden Business Associate Details Insider Dealings, Corruption in Press Conference

A former Naval officer and Hunter Biden business associate revealed shocking claims about Joe Biden’s involvement with Biden family Chinese business dealings in a press conference before Thursday’s presidential debate. Tony Bobulinski

Watch the full Bobulinski press conference here.

The Navy veteran recounted speaking with Hunter Biden about extensive Chinese business dealings during his meetings with the Vice President’s son.

Bobulinski ultimately claims to have agreed with Hunter Biden to become a CEO of a company that would be called “Sinohawk.” The entity was allegedly being arranged by Hunter and James Biden, the former Vice President’s brother.

Bobulinski claims he was introduced to Joe Biden in 2017, and discussed purported Biden family business dealings with Hunter and Joe. He describes Joe Biden as being broadly familiar with Hunter’s Chinese business plans. He would later be sent an email concerning allocation of equity, which referenced 10% of Sinohawk’s equity being reserved for the “big guy,” who he identified as Joe Biden.

On numerous occasions it was made clear to me that Joe Biden’s involvement was not to be made clear in writing, but only discussed face to face… It was to be kept secret.

Bobulinski claims to have possession of several electronic devices which detail communications between the Bidens on Chinese business dealings that have never before been revealed to the public. He said that he delivered the devices to the FBI.

This is quite the claim, and would blow a wide hole into Joe Biden’s assertion that he’s never been involved in his son Hunter’s corrupt and insider-dealing business arrangements situated in foreign countries.


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