FOX NEWS CONFIRMS: Obama’s Weapons Ended Up In Hands of ISIS

WASHINGTON — Fox News and other mainstream outlets have again confirmed that weapons shipped by President Barack Obama to Syria ended up in the hands of ISIS.
Many experts and stakeholders confirm President Donald Trump’s statement that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the co-founders of ISIS, and confirms the reporting of journalist Patrick Howley in 2016, who reported that Obama and Hillary Clinton provided active support to the group that became ISIS.
US military equipment and ammunition, sent to Syria as part of a failed effort to arm “moderate” forces to battle Daesh, were instead handed over to an al-Qaeda group in the country, according to a report.
“I communicated with al-Qaeda’s branch, Al Nusra, to protect and safely escort me and my soldiers for two hours from North Aleppo to West Aleppo,” Maj. Anas Ibrahim Obaid, who said he brokered the deal, told Fox News from his home in the western Aleppo area.
“In exchange, I gave them five pickup trucks and ammunition,” said the man, who is better known on the battlefield as Abu Zayd.
The US issued those trucks and ammo to him in 2015 under the administration of former President Barack Obama, as part of a $500 million program to “train and equip” a new “ideologically moderate” force to fight Daesh terrorists.
Zayd said the program, one of at least two designed to funnel arms to rebel groups in Syria, was rigged with inconsistencies and incompetency.”
Al-Bawawba passage ends
President Donald Trump has achieved his most inspiring victory yet against the globalist Deep State that has secretly governed our country for decades and which will stop at nothing to derail and destroy his presidency.
Trump has put an end to the covert CIA program to arm the jihadi Syrian rebels. These rebels were the allies of President Obama’s team of neocons like Ben Rhodes, who sought to knock out Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, a mostly secular pan-Arab leader, by emboldening the rebellion that gave rise to ISIS.
The Fake News media is already spinning, linking Trump’s move to the wishes of “Moscow.”
This has been a long time coming.
In June of last year, when I was employed as one of the top reporters at Breitbart News, I broke the existence of a secret document, received by Hillary Clinton and other administration officials, showing in no uncertain terms that the Obama administration was actively supporting al Qaeda in Iraq. al Qaeda in Iraq quickly turned into ISIS.
This coincided with Candidate Trump’s famous assertion that Barack Obama was the founder of ISIS, and its Most Valuable Player….