Giuliani’s 9/11 Charity Stepping Up to Host Light Memorial Ceremony After Coronavirus Canceled It

A charity linked to former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is preparing to hold a light memorial event commemorating the 9/11 terrorist attacks, stepping up to host the event after social distancing concerns led the society that normally stages the event to cancel it.
Frank Siller, the President of Tunnel2Towers, confirmed that the group will be staging a memorial event that is “almost identical” to the annual Towers of Light commemoration that the Municipal Art Society sets up on September 11th every year.
It had appeared that Bill de Blasio’s city government was integral in convincing the Municipal Art Society to cancel the memorial, raising questions as to why New York’s mayor is actively seeking to prevent 9/11 memorial events while actively promoting Black Lives Matter riots, protests, and the installation of street art intended to glorify the far-left movement.
If the Towers of Light memorial had been effectively cancelled, it would’ve been the first year since 2002 that the identifiable lights are absent from New York’s skyline on the night of September 11th. The Towers of Light are visible for many miles.
“The ceremonial Towers of Light that shine from NYC in tribute to those lost on 9/11 are an iconic symbol of hope,” stated Tunnel2Towers in a Friday statement confirming their plans. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who presided over the mayoralty during the terrorist attacks, has been described as a leadership figure of the charity.
“It’s going to be a magnificent tribute to those who died,” said Siller on a Friday radio segment. “We have already secured the lights, and by Monday or Tuesday we will have finished securing the location which is right down by Ground Zero.”
New Yorkers and Americans cannot forget the heroism and tragedy of 9/11, especially as a left-wing Democrat Mayor seeks to essentially replace commemoration of the event with worship of the Black Lives Matter movement.