Glenn Simpson Clearly Recycled His Old John McCain Hit Piece To Write The Anti-Trump Dossier

Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP

Fusion GPS strategist Glenn Simpson clearly recycled an old hit piece that he wrote on John McCain in the Wall Street Journal in order to tie President Donald Trump to Russia through Paul Manafort.

Here is the March 14, 2008 piece that Simpson co-bylined with Mary Jacoby when McCain was running for president as a Republican. The piece, noticed by Based Basterd, is eerily similar to the Trump dossier, which McCain’s henchmen smuggled along like dossier coyotes during the 2016 election. (READ: Jennifer Rubin Quotes McCain Flunky That Passed Along Steele Dossier).

Simpson wrote with Jacoby:

A consultant to Sen. John McCain hired a public-relations firm last year to burnish the U.S. image of a Ukrainian political party backed by Russian leader Vladimir Putin, according to documents filed with the Justice Department.

The lobbying firm of Davis Manafort Inc. arranged for the public-relations firm’s work through an affiliate last spring, at the same time Davis Manafort was being paid by the Republican presidential candidate’s campaign. The firm is co-owned by lobbyist Rick Davis, manager of Sen. McCain’s presidential campaign, and longtime Republican strategist Paul Manafort.

The Arizona senator has endorsed a political movement in Ukraine that is at odds with the Putin-backed Party of Regions.

The work for the Ukrainian party represents the latest issue to arise for the McCain campaign involving aides’ ties to foreign interests. Last weekend, the campaign parted ways with two former lobbyists for the military government of Myanmar after their ties were reported in Newsweek.

This year, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton demoted her chief campaign strategist, Mark Penn, after it emerged that he was advising the Colombian government on how to win passage of a free-trade agreement that she opposed. Mr. Penn is also world-wide chief executive of Burson-Marsteller, a public-relations and lobbying firm.

McCain campaign spokesman Brian Rogers said Mr. Davis receives no income from Davis Manafort, although he still owns a share of the firm. “He earns no money from their activities while he is on leave,” Mr. Rogers said.

The spokesman said the Ukraine lobbying activities weren’t relevant to the campaign. “There has been no greater enemy of the status quo and corrupt lobbying practices in Washington than John McCain,” he said.

Working for foreign interests is legal, but it can be politically hazardous for lobbyists and the politicians they advise. The issue is becoming harder for politicians to avoid because globalization has made such work lucrative, drawing some of Washington’s best political talent.

Some of the best-paying but most-controversial contracts in Washington involve companies and individuals allied with the Kremlin. In addition to its work for the Party of Regions, the Davis Manafort lobbying firm has pursued business deals with Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, the Washington Post reported in January. In 2006, Mr. Davis introduced Mr. McCain to Mr. Deripaska, a supporter and confidant of Mr. Putin, according to the Post.

The Wall Street Journal reported last year that Mr. Deripaska has been barred from the U.S. for allegedly lying to the FBI about his involvement with organized crime.

Wall Street Journal passage ends

Now take a look at the anti-Trump dossier.

Hillary Clinton even said just recently that she remembers how some Republicans attacked McCain in 2000:

Big League Politics published a bombshell expose exposing the Fusion GPS plot and digging into Oleg Deripaska. The “Operation Crossfire Hurricane” plot is now totally discredited:

The Robert Mueller investigation and the criminal case against Paul Manafort are irreparably tainted by the involvement of a Russian oligarch and other deep-undercover double agents who set up members of the President Donald Trump campaign, including Don Jr. in a meeting at Trump Tower.

The Christopher Steele dossier — widely believed to have come from the Kremlin — is tainted by a Russian oligarch’s role in the anti-Trump plot, which was codenamed “Operation Crossfire Hurricane.” The fact that conspirators relied on Natalia Veselniskaya, the Russian Fusion GPS operative, means that the Robert Mueller case to find Russian corruption is badly damaged.

Chuck Marler, longtime FBI Special Surveillance Group member and whistleblower in the Robert Mueller case, explains Steele’s business relationship with Russian Oleg Deripaska.

“Christopher Steele was an Intelligence Officer for MI6 but in 2004 he and other Intelligence Officers were outed publicly and they had to be removed from their post. Steele had to start working a desk job and he went into management in London,” Marler tells Big League Politics.

“He quit in 2008 to start his own investigative agency, Orbis. Due to his previous exposure and activities in Russia, he would be watched closely by Russian Intelligence. In 2015 Steele was overtly asking contacts in Russia for dirt on Donald Trump. Conveniently, during this same time Orbis is doing work for an Oligarch named Oleg Deripaska through Deripaska’s law firm. Deripask (who has a lawsuit against Paul Manafort) has direct ties to Vladimir Putin and has direct knowledge of Manafort’s old business dealings in Ukraine. Steele in 2016 is conveniently fed stories about Trump, hookers, Manafort business dealings and Flynn’s attempts to be a lobbyist,” Marler said.

“So let me get this clear, Manafort is on trial for working with an Oligarch just like Steele did. Steele was asking around in Moscow for dirt on Trump although he was already on Russia’s radar as a Western Intelligence Officer. Russians provided dirt to Steele, his client Hillary Clinton and the FBI. Hillary Clinton and Peter Strzok used the dirt all-while they are obstructing justice regarding Hillary’s email case. Now Trump is under investigation by the FBI/Special Counsel/Democrats for Collusion with Russia and Obstruction of Justice. DID THE RUSSIANS JUST PLAY THE DEMOCRATS, THE FBI/SPECIAL COUNSEL AND MORE IMPORTANTLY THE U.S. PUBLIC!,” Marler explained.


The Daily Caller reported: “At the same time Christopher Steele was compiling a dossier accusing the Trump campaign of colluding with the Russian government, the former British spy was lobbying Department of Justice official Bruce Ohr on behalf of a Russian oligarch with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The connection between Steele and the oligarch, Oleg Deripaska, is laid out in emails the Justice Department recently provided Congress. The emails show that Steele, a former British spy, advocated for Deripaska in negotiations over his visa status with the U.S. government. Deripaska, an aluminum magnate, had been blocked from traveling to the U.S. in 2006 because of suspected ties to Russian mobsters. Deripaska hired an American lawyer named Adam Waldman in 2009 to lobby the U.S. government to obtain a visa for the billionaire.”

Very interesting.

But the corruption does not stop there.

The Russian attorney partner of Paul Manafort who was named as a defendant in new Robert Mueller charges is also linked to the Russian spy Natalia Vesenilskaya, who was paid by Fusion GPS to attend a meeting with Don Trump Jr. and Jared Kushner in Trump Tower.

According to Mueller’s new charges, Manafort’s Russian partner Konstantin Kilimnik tried to intimidate or coerce witnesses in Manafort’s upcoming money laundering trial. That puts Konstantin Kilimnik at the center of the Mueller effort to find obstruction of justice in Trump-World (Mueller is giving himself until September 1 to try to find obstruction of justice, after finding no Russian collusion involving Trump).

So who is Konstantine Kilimnik? It turns out that Kilimnik is linked to Veselnitskaya, the Fusion GPS agent, according to Senate documents.

Here is how ProPublica described Kilimnik: “Konstantin Kilimnik: Manafort, who worked for the pro-Russian party in Ukraine before running Trump’s campaign, had an employee in Kiev named Konstantin Kilimnik who U.S. and Ukrainian authorities have suspected of having ties to Russian intelligence, according to Politico. Kilimnik served in the Russian army and learned English at a school that experts say often trains spies. Kilimnik denied being a spy to The Washington Post. Manafort had dinner with Kilimnik last August in New York, just before he was forced out of the Trump campaign amid growing questions about his work in the Ukraine, the Post reported.”


Documents reveal Kilimnik’s ties to Veselniskaya. Let’s take a look at United States Senate Judiciary Committee documents questioning Veselniskaya in October. Judiciary Committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley and Ranking Member Sen. Dianne Feinstein asked Veselniskaya if she knew a handful of characters believed to be conspirators in the case.

Grassley and Feinstein specifically asked Veselnitskaya if she knew Konstantin Kilimnik.
Here is page 4 of the documents, naming Kilimnik:

Current Attorney General Jeff Sessions was a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee as senator from Alabama.

Veselnitskaya’s meeting with Don Jr. in Trump Tower provided some of the basis for warrants to surveil Trump Tower and for other FBI surveillance measures on the Trump campaign.

The fact that Veselnitskaya, a lawyer herself, was in the meeting with Trump Jr. and Kushner opened the president’s son and son-in-law up to being qualified as “target associations” for law enforcement under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, passed during the Bush administration.

Veselniskaya’s link to suspected conspirator Kilimnik is now coming under scrutiny. But that’s not all. Veselnitskaya is also closely linked to James Comey, a top official alongside Andrew McCabe in Barack Obama’s White House High Value Intelligence Group (HVIG), which secretly surveilled millions of law-abiding American citizens with facial recognition software.

Big League Politics reported on the stunning Veselniskaya-Comey link:

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