Globalist John Kasich Fundraises by Bashing Secure Borders

First reported by Breitbart’s Brandon Darby, the Governor of Ohio and 2016 Republican candidate for President is raising money off of President Donald J. Trump’s immigration policies.
“Separating children from their parents is just wrong,” says Gov. John Kasich’s website. “Take action now. Make your voice heard today.”
“Is this the image of America we want the world to see?” the graphic asks.
Kasich has always been soft on borders.
“I’m for sealing the border, I’m for a guest worker program,” said Kasich in 2016. “People can come in, work, and go back home. We haven’t closed the border because special interests, I believe, blocked it. We have 11 and a half million people here. If they have not committed a crime since they’ve been here, make them pay a fine & back taxes, and give them a path to legalization, never to citizenship. It is not going to happen that we’re going to run around and try to drag 11 and a half million people out of their homes.”
This weak message propelled President Trump to victory, backed by average American citizens who are tired taking a backseat to illegal immigrants.
But Kasich has not learned his lesson.
“Quit separating families. It’s that simple,” he tweeted last week, attaching a video.
Quit separating families. It's that simple.
— John Kasich (@JohnKasich) June 15, 2018
“Let’s get it right. We’re America,” he said in the video. “We have a big heart. We love people. At the end of the day, we don’t want to create an image that we don’t care, because we really do.”
Once again the Republican establishment is downplaying the true issue – how they have worked for decades with their Democrat friends to keep the borders open on behalf of their special interests. This policy has invited millions of illegal immigrants to cross the border with impunity.
Now that Trump has implemented a pro-America, closed borders policy – one that may in fact deter illegal border crossings – rats like Kasich are crawling out of the woodwork to condemn him.