Good Ole Boys: Political dynasties hurt the conservative cause

The “good ole boys” trope is thrown around often in Louisiana. Even members of the established political class often claim they aren’t part of the “good ole boys”. But is there a definition of what this really means?

Consult a woke online dictionary and you’ll find some mix of trashing Southern heritage and discussing white privilege.

To today’s conservatives, it means a member of the existing political class. Someone who often got their elected positions because they know someone, not because they worked hard and ran a compelling campaign. 

Whatever your definition of the “good ole boys” may be, it’s a club… and you’re not in it.

Perhaps the most blatant and tasteless version of the good ole boys is the political dynasty. The handoff of a political seat… often relying on tricking the voters into thinking a new candidate is the incumbent himself or herself.

Take two in your face examples from the upcoming October 14th election…

Barry Ivey –> Brandon Ivey

Rick Edmonds –> Ritchie Edmonds

The “dutch handoff” as it’s sometimes referred to, is on full display in these neighboring districts in East Baton Rouge Parish: House District 65 and House District 66.

In District 65, 3-term Representative Barry Ivey is departing the state house to seek Senate Seat District 6.

In District 66, 2-term Representative Rick Edmonds (who voted to bust the spending cap earlier this year) is departing the state house to seek the same Senate Seat.

Two incumbents with a spotty record seeking a promotion… nothing unusual for the Baton Rouge swamp… but the real kicker is the candidates vying to replace them.

Barry Ivey is hoping his “legacy” of siding with Democrats will continue with the election of his twin brother, Brandon Ivey. In a campaign that many have called “creepy”, the Ivey twins can be found sharing billboards and flyers across Central, LA.

Rick Edmonds is hoping to hand his position to his descendent, and the namesake’s legal junior, Richie Edmonds. 

Richie & Rick Edmonds with Speaker of the House/Failing Secretary of State Candidate Clay Schexnayder

Amongst the establishment, it’s often discussed how Rick Edmonds’ “dream” is to serve with his son. While perhaps less creepy than the Ivey brother’s reenactment of “The Shining”, Richie is running a nearly silent campaign, with minimal voter interaction. It seems the Edmonds strategy is to let the voters just think Rick is continuing his current role.

Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining

Louisiana tried political dynasties with Democrats, electing the son of the Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff to the Louisiana Governorship, and of course it has led to disaster as Gov. John Bel Edwards continues to oversee his decline of Louisiana economy and education for just a few more months.

And of course, the United States at large tried it with the disaster of the Clinton crime family, the liberal Republican Rockefellers, and Al Gore Jr & Sr, The Bushes… hopefully we can avoid the looming Obama dynasty.

Louisiana has the chance to go a different route this election season. It’s a new morning in Louisiana.

During a time when many state governments are mired with fiscal problems and widespread corruption, the last thing Louisiana needs is political nepotism or dynastic style politics. The good news is that Louisiana voters still have a chance to introduce new blood based on the quality of their political ideas, not their familial connections, in this election cycle. 

For voters who want conservative policy items such as school choice and Constitutional Carry to become a reality in the Pelican state, they must reject candidates coming from the Edmonds and Ivey families. 

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