GOP Senate Candidate Corey Stewart: ‘I’ve Won Five Times in a Blue County’

Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart ran a campaign ad touting his record of winning elections in the most liberal part of Virginia.
“Stewart’s won five times in blue Northern Virginia,” the ad says. “Not by selling out to liberals, but by fighting for taxpayers.”
Stewart is the chairman of the Prince William County Board of Supervisors challenging Democrat incumbent Tim Kaine.
“Stewart’s cut county taxes – the lowest in the region – and kept them below inflation” the ad continues.
Stewart’s main primary challenger is Virginia House of Delegates member Nick Freitas, who has not showed a great deal of support for Trump.
In deleted social media posts from 2015 and 2016, Freitas referred to President Trump as a “5-time draft deferring ‘tough guy’ who would “take some candy from a small child . . . or maybe kick a kitten,” according to the Washington Post.
“Corey Stewart led the nation’s toughest illegal alien crackdown, and beat Tim Kaine when he tried to stop it,” the ad says.
Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) is the incumbent in the November election.
The ad continues, touting Stewart’s achievement as being the first elected official in Virginia to successfully deploy retired police offers to work inside schools, keeping children safe. Many Republicans view this as a practical method for deterring gun violence in schools.
“As our Senator, Corey Stewart will stand with President Trump to cut taxes, defend America, slash big government, and pack the courts with young, conservative judges,” the ad finishes.
Stewart currently serves as the At-Large Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Prince William County, Virginia, and was the Virginia chairman of the Donald Trump for President campaign.