Gun Owners of America Criticizes IRS’s Goonish Raid of Montana Gun Store

On June 19, 2023, Gun Owners of America issued multiple statements after a raid conducted last week by IRS agents on a gun shop in Great Falls, Montana. Federal agents confiscated ATF Forms 4473 from the store, which have the personal information of firearm purchasers, in addition to the serial numbers of purchased firearms.  

Apparently, the warrant that was obtained for the raid was allegedly for the search and seizure of financial records, which Forms 4473 do not represent. GOA remains largely concerned about any effort by federal agents to confiscate firearm transaction records due to the roughly 1 billion records that the ATF already possesses that are being transferred digitally into a searchable database that goes against the current law on the books.

Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, published the following statement:   

This was an incredibly alarming incident to hear about – especially given the checkered past of the IRS targeting conservatives – and Congressman Matt Rosendale of Montana deserves credit for helping to bring the details about this raid to light. This continued weaponization by the Biden Administration of federal agencies to go after their political opponents once again underscores the dire need for Congress to act, including by defunding the ATF and demanding answers from the IRS.

Luis Valdes,  GOA’s Florida State Director, also sounded off against this raid: 

This raid was clearly a show of force meant to send a message to gun owners and those who oppose the tyrannical anti-gun agenda of this administration. It appears as though these agents went well beyond the scope of their investigation in seizing these records, leading one to believe that the government certainly has bad intentions with the forms themselves. People need to understand this administration intends to go after you if you oppose their agenda, and demand their elected representatives push back.”

GOA is one of the United State’s most explosive no compromise gun lobbies and has been responsible for putting legislative issues such as Constitutional Carry on the map. It has also shed light on the tyrannical behavior that the ATF constantly engages in. This is necessary in the long-term fight to fully restore gun rights. 

As long as it’s up and running, GOA can always be counted on to oppose all forms of gun control at all levels of government.

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