Gun Rights Group Scores Victories in Texas
Despite all the chatter about Texas becoming a swing state in 2020, Texas conservatives could breathe a sigh of relief once votes were cast in the Lone Star State. President Donald Trump won the state by a comfortable 6 margin, Republicans defended this Senate seat, Democrats could not make any gains in Congress, and the Texas State House stayed red.
Many groups such as Gun Owners of America were elated by this news. Rachel Malone, the Texas Director for Gun Owners of America, and Felisha Bull, the Texas Deputy Director for Gun Owners of America, sent out an email to GOA subscribers titled “Keeping Texas, Texas.”
In the email, they declared that in “In the race between Bloomberg and Texas, Bloomberg lost.” The pro-Second Amendment operatives were referring to billionaire oligarch Michael Bloomberg’s financial contributions to flip the state to Democrats during the 2020 election cycle.
One of GOA’s champions, Texas congressman Chip Roy, won his race by a 52 percent to 45 percent margin. This was one race Democrats were salivating over as a potential seat to flip. This turned out to not be the case.
The GOA leaders emphasized their strong position in the Texas House, which many “experts” predicted would flip:
For months, we’ve heard pollsters and pundits tell us that gun-grabbing challengers were going to take over the Texas House. Gun control organizations fought hard to oust our Gun Owner’s Choice candidates. But, although votes are still being tallied, current numbers show that not one of our GOA-endorsed State Representative incumbents lost a seat.
The no compromise gun lobby listed of some of their endorsed candidates who came out victorious on election night:
- SD 1 Bryan Hughes
- SD 4 Brandon Creighton
- SD 24 Dawn Buckingham
- HD 2 Bryan Slaton
- HD 5 Cole Hefner
- HD 6 Matt Schaefer
- HD 15 Steve Toth
- HD 23 Mayes Middleton
- HD 26 Jacey Jetton
- HD 59 Shelby Slawson
- HD 73 Kyle Biedermann
- HD 92 Jeff Cason
- HD 93 Matt Krause
- HD 94 Tony Tinderholt
- HD 106 Jared Patterson
- HD 128 Briscoe Cain
- HD 130 Tom Oliverson
- HD 132 Mike Schofield
- HD 138 Lacey Hull
- CD 1 Louie Gohmert
- CD 3 Van Taylor
- CD 13 Ronny Jackson
- CD 14 Randy Weber
- CD 21 Chip Roy
- CD 24 Beth Van Duyne
- CD 27 Michael Cloud
- 431st District Court Judge Jim Johnson
Due to the election of a number of first time candidates who received GOA endorsements, the Texas House will have new advocates for improving Texas gun laws and promoting grassroots agenda items such as Constitutional Carry and ending gun-free zones.
The Texas legislature is set to start its session on January 12, 2021.