Gun Violence in Chicago has Killed More Children than the Wuhan Virus has at the National Level

If you’re a child in Chicago, you’re more likely to die because of gun violence than from the Wuhan virus pandemic. 

According to Matt McNulty of Daily Mail, 214 children under the age of 17 have died nationwide due to the virus while a total of 261 have succumbed to gun violence. McNulty cited data from law enforcement and the Center for Disease Control.

McNulty observed that “Although COVID-19 cases among children spiked over the summer, the death rates in the demographic remain low, accounting for just 0-0.27 percent of pandemic fatalities nationwide.”

Data from the Illinois Department of Public Health shows that 25 people under the age of 18 have died because of the Wuhan virus since the pandemic broke out in March 2020.

In sum, McNulty pointed out that this rate “equals out to six minor deaths in every 100,000 people under 18 in the state.”

In Chicago, more children have died due to gunshot wounds than those who have died of the Wuhan virus in the entire state of Illinois.  

On any given weekend, Chicago feels like a total warzone.

On Labor Day weekend, for example, 63 people were shot in Chicago, with 8 children among them.

Cities like Chicago are becoming increasingly inhospitable due to the lack of political leadership and unwillingness to confront the reality that the city’s policing standards are inadequate and it has gun policies that favor criminals over lawful individuals. Its murder rate speaks for itself, which stood at 18.26 per 100,000 (28th among most murderous cites in the nation)

Liberals prefer to moan about the Wuhan virus, which is not as devastating as the media has made it out to be, to divert attention away from the absolute failure of their policies. There comes a point when elected officials have to start acknowledging real crises and discarding fake crises.

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