GUT-WRENCHING: Suspected Rapist Freed From Jail Due to COVID-19 is Charged with Murdering Alleged Rape Victim

Ibrahim Bouaichi, a Virginia man charged with rape who was set free from jail out of fears he could contract COVID-19, is now being charged with murdering the woman who accused him of raping her.

Bouaichi was found by police on Wednesday after shooting himself. He was in critical condition as of Thursday from his self-inflicted bullet wound. He was indicted last year on charges of rape, strangulation and abduction and denied bond in Alexandria.

Victim Karla Dominguez testified against Bouaichi last December. She spoke out against Bouaichi’s alleged sexual violence against her. Her harrowing testimony did not stop the courts from releasing Bouaichi, who is one of thousands of violent criminals released onto the streets due to the pandemic.

Bouaichi’s attorneys argued that their client, a suspected violent rapist, deserved to be let loose in order to protect him from contracting COVID-19. He was ultimately released on a $25,000 bond pending his trial against the wishes of the prosecutor.

After he was released, police believe that Bouaichi shot Dominguez dead in late July. Bouaichi shot himself after being involved in a chase by law enforcement who spotted the suspect in Prince George’s County.

Circuit Court Judge Nolan Dawkins, the judge who decided to set Bouaichi free, retired in June and is not responding to comment requests from media sources wondering why he made his decision that very well may have resulted in a gruesome and untimely death.

Bouaichi’s attorneys, Manuel Leiva and Frank Salvato, said in a public statement that they were “certainly saddened by the tragedy both families have suffered here.” They added that they “were looking forward to trial. Unfortunately the pandemic continued the trial date by several months and we didn’t get the chance to put forth our case.”

Big League Politics has reported on how liberals have exploited COVID-19 pandemic fears to engineer a nationwide jailbreak of violent criminals:

San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin is bragging about his city’s jailbreak policies that have been implemented throughout the coronavirus pandemic, claiming in a Los Angeles Times op/ed that he is “keeping San Francisco safer by emptying the jail.”

“In mid-March, I started emptying out our city and county jail because those living and working there face a grave risk of falling ill, dying and spreading COVID-19,” Boudin wrote.

“My sense of urgency about this issue is professional, and it’s also personal: My 75-year-old father lives in a prison cell,” he added.

Because Boudin’s father is a jailbird, that means he wants others who have violated the law to be set free. He is using the mass hysteria from the pandemic as a pretense to set forth these lax criminal justice policies.

“According to the Prison Policy Initiative, almost 2.3 million people are incarcerated in this country. In jails, prisons, juvenile halls and immigration detention centers, they are trapped in close quarters in no way designed to shield them from a deadly virus,” Boudin wrote.

“Social distancing in densely populated cell blocks is impossible. Jail and prison inmates lack basic hygiene items, like sanitizer and masks. The daily churn of detainees and staff creates tremendous risk of an epidemic within the pandemic,” he added.

Boudin’s solution is to take these people who are disproportionately at risk to have coronavirus and free them so they can take their germs to infect the broader community. This is social justice at work, he argues.

“For decades, criminal justice policy has been driven by the sometimes realistic fear that any person released could commit a heinous crime. But data show that allowing such fears to override all other concerns is shortsighted,” he wrote.

“Locking up millions of people destroys families and communities; bankrupts local governments; tends to increase, not decrease, crime rates; and too often provides only cold comfort to victims. The pandemic is further evidence that mass incarceration can be a threat, not a boon, to public safety,” he added.

Last month, it was reported that San Francisco had already freed nearly half of their total inmate population.

It’s free reign for rapists, rioters, thugs and deadbeats as America gets a glimpse of who exactly will be in charge when diversity and multiculturalism fully take hold.

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