HARD HITTER: CNN’s Camerota Grills Kamala Harris on… Music Preferences

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) and 2020 presidential candidate appeared on CNN’s New Day, where endured a grueling interview from host Alisyn Camerota about her music preferences.
The transcript follows:
Camerota: So, what is your favorite musical genre?
Harris: Oh, I mean, I’m – I’m hip hop and reggae and jazz. Those are some of my favorites.
Camerota: Okay, do you have a favorite band or a favorite musician?
Harris: I’d say one of my favorites is Bob Marley.
Camerota: Good choice. You can’t go wrong with that. That’s a crowd pleaser. On your mixtape, what would be, like, you favorite three songs.
Harris: Oh, okay. Let’s see. Arethra Franklin, um, anything Arethra Franklin. I would say Bob Marley, and then, um, I don’t know, I love Cardi B.
Camerota: Those are great. Thank you for playing along.
Conservative author and commentator Tim Young noted that the segment looked like a speed dating event.
CRINGE: CNN's Alisyn Camerota skips hard journalism and goes right for awkward speed-dating Kamala Harris. I hope she gets a second date ????????
This is almost as bad at Hillary saying she "has hot sauce" in her purse at all times. pic.twitter.com/kP1ZWKeW6Z
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) May 21, 2019
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