HERE WE GO AGAIN: World Health Organization Declares ‘Mu’ Strain of COVID-19 as ‘Variant of Interest’

Perhaps sensing that fear over the so-called Delta variant of COVID-19 is waning among the public, the World Health Organization (WHO) has officially declared the “Mu” strain of COVID-19 as a “variant of interest.”
“The Mu variant has a constellation of mutations that indicate potential properties of immune escape,” the WHO said, claiming that “preliminary data showed it has the same behavior as the Beta variant.”
The WHO claims that the Mu variant has the potential to mutate and become vaccine resistant, which will inevitably be used as an excuse to prepare another rushed experimental booster that will net Big Pharma additional billions.
The Mu strain is currently considered one of five “variants of interest,” despite the fact that it only has a 0.1% global prevalence in sequenced COVID-19 cases.
Big League Politics has reported on how supposed variants are being used to continue COVID-19 mass hysteria and excuse lack of efficacy for the vaccine regime:
“Director of the National Institue of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci starred in an Instagram video post Thursday on Joe Biden’s @potus account discussing the COVID-19 “Delta variant” that has taken the news by storm.
Fauci began the video introducing himself, and jumps right in comparing the “Delta variant” to “the original virus that had been circulating very early on last year.” He then explained that unlike “the original virus”, the Delta variant is much more transmissible among people.
The statement draws confusion, as the Delta variant is only one of many known COVID-19 variants, with previously identified variants including Alpha (UK), Beta (South African), and Gamma (Brazilian), with the aforementioned Delta variant being from India.
The doctor continued, misleadingly claiming that the Delta variant poses a special threat to young people and also explaining why the CDC labeled it a “variant of concern.”
“Well anyone who is not vaccinated is most at risk. Younger people are less likely to be vaccinated, that puts the entire cohort of younger people at greater risk. Based on the data that this virus transmits more easily, and can be more dangerous, has been the underlying reason why they’ve made that change and upgraded it as it were to a variant of concern.”
In a similar tune of projecting a doomsday status for young people who are infected with the COVID-19 Delta variant, the video description for Biden’s post said the following:
“Here’s the deal: The Delta variant is more contagious, it’s deadlier, and it’s spreading quickly around the world — leaving young, unvaccinated people more vulnerable than ever. Please, get vaccinated if you haven’t already. Let’s head off this strain before it’s too late.”
Observation of current data indicates that there is no evidence of the Delta variant being deadlier for younger and older people alike. On June 18th, the United Kingdom government published its 16th report on “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England,” revealing fatality rates among various strains of the disease. The Delta variant had a case fatality rate of about .1%, orders of magnitude lower than many other prominent mutations.”
It is clear that public health bureaucrats are never going to let this fear die among the captive masses. This is their power-grab, and they will never relent in their war against the rights of the people on the road toward technocracy and one world government.