HERO: 11-Year-Old Girl with Loaded AR-15 Rifle Shows Up for Hearing to Support Pro-Gun Bill
An 11-year-old girl showed up to a hearing in the Idaho state House on Monday with a loaded AR-15 rifle strapped to her shoulder in order to support a pro-gun bill being heard by the legislative body.
Proud patriotic father Charles Nielsen gave testimony against the while his 11-year-old daughter Bailey stood by his side.
“Bailey is carrying a loaded AR-15,” Charles Nielsen said to the lawmakers. “People live in fear, terrified of that which they do not understand. She’s been shooting since she was 5 years old. She got her first deer with this weapon at 9. She carries it responsibly. She knows how not to put her finger on the trigger. We live in fear in a society that is fed fear on a daily basis.”
Nielsen pointed to his daughter as an example of an individual who is a responsible gun owner, and noted that the hysteria pushed by the far left is absurd.
“When they come to Idaho, they should be able to carry concealed, because they carry responsibly,” he said. “They’re law-abiding citizens. It’s the criminal we have to worry about.”
Republican Rep. Christy Zito proposed the measure to strengthen the state’s “Constitutional Carry” law. It would clarify the law to make sure that U.S. citizens who are not residents of the state as well as military personnel could carry concealed in addition to the people of Idaho. She believes that no lawful U.S. resident should have their rights denied to them in her state.
“I stand here before you today as a mother and grandmother who has had to use a firearm to defend their child,” Zito said.
“Even though I didn’t have to pull the trigger, just the fact that they could see it, and they knew that I had it, was the determining factor,” she added.
Gun grabbers such as the Bloomberg-funded Moms Demand Action group are standing in opposition of the measure and oppose “Constitutional Carry” laws in general.
“The vast majority of states require that a person get a permit before carrying a concealed gun in public,” said Diana David of Moms Demand Action. “That’s a common-sense policy.”
Regardless of the opposition of gun-grabbing lobbyists, the measure passed in the committee and will be headed to the full state House for a vote in the near future. Idaho is one of the states that is standing strong for the 2nd Amendment while our fundamental rights are under siege like never before.