HMM: Judge in Ghislaine Maxwell Case is Biden Appointee Suppressing Evidence, Lead Prosecutor is James Comey’s Daughter

As the case against dead pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s accomplice, Ghislaine Maxwell, gets underway, the judge and prosecutor appointed to oversee her criminal trial are raising some eyebrows.

U.S. District Judge Alison J. Nathan is presiding over the case, and she has already banned press from the courtroom and suppressed certain evidence from being released during the case. She has been a liberal favorite for many years, being appointed to District Court in 2011 by former president Barack Obama.

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) earmarked Nathan for a position with the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, citing the lesbian’s “experience, legal brilliance, love of the rule of law and perspective” as her qualifications.

“I am confident Alison Nathan, a deeply respected legal leader, would follow the facts and administer justice without fear or favor and will greatly help restore integrity and professionalism to the federal court,” said Schumer, the leading Senate Democrat, at the time.

The White House acquiesced and nominated her for the post at Schumer’s behest earlier in November, right before the Maxwell case was scheduled to formally begin. Nathan is not the only far-left operative playing a huge role in how this case is proceeding. Maurene Comey, daughter of former FBI Director James Comey, is the lead prosecutor in the case. She is the leader of the SDNY’s Violent and Organized Crime Unit.

Big League Politics has reported on how Maxwell dealt with a who’s who of Democrat perverts, which would certainly incentivize the swamp to want their operatives on this delicate case to make sure it is handled without anyone being exposed:

Bill Clinton met Ghislane Maxwell in Los Angeles for an ‘intimate’ private dinner in 2014, according to new reporting published Tuesday by the Daily Beast.

The Beast quoted a source who supposedly previously worked for Bill Clinton and was incensed by his decision to meet with Maxwell. “This is an intimate dinner with Clinton in L.A…. Think of all the people he knows in L.A., and Ghislaine gets to attend.”

The report also indicates that Clinton’s chief of staff, Jon Davidson, knew that the former Jeffrey Epstein madame was attending the private dinner, which he organized. Davidson declined to comment when asked about his connection to the event.

This dinner took place more than five years after Jeffrey Epstein escaped legal consequences for procuring a minor for prostitution, utilizing his elite connections to avoid any serious jail or prison time. Ben Schwerin, who is now a corporate executive for Snapchat, and talent agent Michael Kives were also present, which was held at Crossroads Kitchen.

A Bill Clinton spokesperson declined to comment on the specific reports of meeting Maxwell for dinner in 2014, only denying that he knew anything of Jeffrey Epstein’s or Maxwell’s alleged sex crimes. The spokesman’s refusal to address the new reports of a 2014 Ghislane Maxwell meeting could be taken as an implicit admission that the dinner took place, years after Maxwell’s connection to Epstein’s infamous sex trafficking operation was publicly known.

Two verified former Epstein associates- one of whom was trafficked by the now-deceased pedophile billionaire- have spoken of personally seeing Bill Clinton on Jeffrey Epstein’s infamous ‘pedophile island’ of Little Saint James in the US Virgin Islands.

It appears the fix may be in, as the rule of law disintegrates amidst a biblical tidal wave of corruption. The system protects its pedo-elite.

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