Homeland Security Wrecks CNN Reporter for Lying on Twitter

CNN’s Jim Sciutto suffered an embarrassing beatdown on Twitter in mid-December after he was called out by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for blatantly lying.
“We are happy to provide the facts — but you never reached out. In fact, DHS prevented 3,755 known or suspected terrorists from traveling to or entering the U.S. in FY 17. That’s in addition to 17,526 criminals, 1,019 gang members, and 3,028 special interest aliens,” DHS spokesman Tyler Q. Houltan said, mocking the alleged news organization with its own #FactsFirst hashtag.
Sciutto claimed on his personal Twitter account, which has nearly 300,000 followers, that there was no evidence to support President Donald J. Trump’s claim that terrorists were crossing the southern United States border.
“The president has now twice used the threat of terrorism to justify the wall. Facts supplied by DHS don’t back that up,” Sciutto said.
The fake news reporter either neglected his journalistic duty to ask Homeland Security for statistics about terrorists crossing at the border, or simply lied because the lie fit his agenda of leftist activism.
Houlton noted that Sciutto “never reached out.”
This is the second very public embarrassment for Sciutto in 2018. He co-authored a piece claiming – through the use of anonymous sources – that Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen would testify that Trump knew in advance about the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian lawyer linked to the Kremlin. One of the piece’s “anonymous sources” was Cohen’s attorney Lanny Davis. Scuitto’s piece claimed that Davis had “declined to comment” for the story. Davis accidentally spilled the beans that he was the source of the story live on a CNN talk show. Oops.
This is CNN.
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