House Democrats Sneak Jobs Plan for Illegal Aliens into Funding Package 

Are House Democrats going to pass amnesty through backdoor means?

John Binder of Breitbart News reported that  House Democrats on the House Appropriations Committee have snuck in a Capitol Hill jobs plan for illegal aliens — all covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program — into a government funding package. 

DACA, which aimed to grant legal residency status to illegal aliens who were brought to the United States when they were children, was established under former President Barack Obama’s watch.  

In this legislative funding package for the 2023 fiscal year, House Democrats want to reward DACA illegal aliens with employment in Washington DC, on Capitol Hill. 

Binder described this legislative proposal as “expansive” due to how it “would likely place DACA illegal aliens in the offices of Democrats in the House and Senate.”

Binder called attention to how Democrats have attempted for years to grant DACA illegal aliens employment at Capitol Hill. He observed that in 2021, Democrats “advanced a similar plan through the House, but it ultimately stalled.”

In another piece that Binder penned, he pointed out that “from 2012 to 2018, more than 53,000 illegal aliens were awarded DACA status despite having prior arrest records, including for crimes like murder, kidnapping, rape, child pornography, and sex crimes.” 

Open Borders Inc. faces some structural problems at the moment. For one, open borders Democratic majorities in both chambers are not that large, especially in the Senate where they will have to rely on Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote to pass legislation. Plus, there’s not enough pro-open borders Republicans to cross over the aisle to vote for amnesty legislation in the Senate without facing a filibuster. 

Moreover, the economic situation in the US is quite precarious which is going to make Americans across the political spectrum more economically nationalist. Any type of amnesty bill that brings in droves of cheap labor that would displace American labor will receive massive pushback from the voters.

With these factors in mind, the ruling class will settle for backdoor amnesties and other gradual forms of amnesty for the time being. Nevertheless, immigration patriots must stay vigilant and prevent all forms of amnesty from gaining further momentum. 

The very integrity of the Historic American Nation is at stake here and we must draw a line in the sand when it comes to opposing all forms of amnesty. 

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