HUGE: Gen. Mike Flynn Requests to Withdraw Guilty Plea

General Michael Flynn is requesting to withdraw his guilty plea in new court documents the former National Security Advisor and three-star general tweeted on Friday.

Flynn claims that he was railroaded by his lawyers into pleading guilty to lying to the FBI, despite always believing that he was innocent of the charges the federal law enforcement agency is accusing him of. He’s describing reiterating language regarding his communications with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak suggested by his then-lawyers, which was later pounced upon by aggressive federal agents eager to catch the Trump administration official in a lie.

To have devoted my life to my country, only to be accused of crimes, slandered in the media with false and outrageous claims, and have my family threatened was an unimaginable nightmare-one that those who have not walked in these shoes will find difficult to comprehend.

General Flynn’s criminal trial is currently set to enter its sentencing phase, with zealous federal prosecutors seeking to place the decorated three-star general in federal prison. The case against Flynn was handed off to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office, which famously failed to find any conclusive evidence of Russian interference or collusion into the 2016 Presidential election.

In fact, charges that Mueller’s team brought against more than a dozen Russian nationals for supposed election interference operations were quietly dropped last month, raising serious questions about the fundamental existence of the Mueller probe to begin with.

If the judge overseeing Flynn’s trial accepts his request to reverse his guilty plea, the trial could effectively restart. Flynn could bring up the copious evidence of abuse discovered by Congress on the part of federal law enforcement seeking to prove a supposed Russian collusion plot as part of a prospective legal argument.

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