HYPOCRITE: Phony Christian Nancy Pulte Rickard Abuses Non-Profit to Trash Her Own Family Name

Nancy Pulte Rickard is using her position as President and Chairman of the Board at the Pulte Family Charitable Foundation to smear members of her own family.
The Pulte Family Charitable Foundation has released an attack against Bill Pulte, grandson of the late William J. Pulte, a titan of industry who was founder and chairman of PulteGroup, a massively successful home construction and real estate development company in the United States. Pulte Rickard is apparently leading the effort to co-opt her family name in order to cancel Bill Pulte as part of some bizarre vendetta.
“We want to be clear that Bill Pulte is not a representative of, nor has he ever served in any capacity for, the PFCF. Likewise, we are not affiliated with Bill Pulte’s efforts through Twitter philanthropy, nor his other business or personal initiatives,” the statement says.
We additionally believe that some of Bill Pulte’s public communications through social media, public appearances, interviews, self-published articles and more may suggest that he speaks on behalf of the entire Pulte family. To the contrary, Bill Pulte does not represent, nor is he a spokesperson for, all members of the Pulte family, in any capacity,” the statement adds.
Pulte Rickard’s smears are not only immoral and unethical but may be illegal as well.
The Pulte Family Charitable Foundation’s designation is that of a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Any 501c3 organization has a fiduciary duty to use funds in an appropriate manner. A criminal complaint was recently unsealed against a 501(c)3 that did not use take appropriate care in using funds. The Pulte Family Charitable Foundation may have run afoul of its 501(3) fiduciary responsibility by attacking family members related to the charity’s founders, which is clearly not the stated purpose of the foundation.
Bill Pulte has more than anyone bravely held the line in honor of his namesake, and his reward for upholding William J. Pulte’s patriotic legacy is receiving cheap shots by sellout members of his own family.
“He was a student of William Levitt and Henry Ford,” Bill Pulte said about his grandfather at the time of his passing. “He started out building one home, then two homes, then three homes. Then he took it to the subdivision, then took it to cities across America.”
“[William J. Pulte] was always thinking about the consumer, and it allowed him to be competitive with anyone,” he added.
Pulte Rickard’s smears are shameful but not out of character considering her record. She gained infamy throughout Florida for profiteering from selling racialized Jesus dolls back in the 1990s.
“Poor Jesus. First he was born in a manger. Then he died on a cross. Now he’s got a rich lady in Boca Raton making a killing off his image with a mail-order stuffed doll. She calls it ‘the gift of love,’” the Sun Sentinel stated about Pulte Rickard’s scheme at the time.
Pulte Rickard is abusing her role as the head of a non-profit to spread malicious falsehoods about Bill Pulte. She should resign immediately for this disgraceful behavior.