ICE Recently Confirmed QUARANTINE of Thousands, Mumps or Chicken Pox in 39 Detention Centers

US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed on June 14 that 5,200 adults were quarantined due to mumps or chicken pox exposure. 4,200 of these quarantined people have been exposed to mumps.

Mumps or chicken pox were confirmed present in 39 different migrant detention centers, according to ICE.

Amid a surge of Congolese migrants at the southern border — many of whom have already gained access to the United States and settled in San Antonio — The Center for Immigration Studies now reports that 35,000 more African migrants are headed to America’s southern border on the same general path trekked by Central American migrant hordes.

Big League Politics reported:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institutes of Health, as well as New York City and state and local governments began preparing for a possible Ebola outbreak shortly before the current Congolese migrant invasion on our southern border, as the Congo migrants journeyed from Africa to the United States.

The Lexington-Fayette County Health Department partnered with the CDC and the Kentucky Department of Health beginning in February to monitor people traveling to and from the Ebola outbreak region on the African continent, with the local department acting on guidance provided by the federal and state government bodies.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which is a branch of the National Institutes of Health, sponsored a clinical trial beginning in late January at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in Ohio to test Ebola vaccines.

The Congo migrant “surge” at the southern border continues, as recently-landed Congo migrants in San Antonio, Texas described their six-month journey to the United States — during which time the government started making Ebola preparations instead of acting to stop the illegal migrant invasion.

I reported:

New York City partnered with New York State to carry out an Ebola outbreak drill in April 2019, right around the time the city started looking for applicants to fill a “short-term” Ebola manager position for the city’s health department.

New York City’s health department issued a little-noticed public release on April 30 entitled “New York City and New Jersey Health Departments Conduct Emergency Exercise to Safely Transport a Simulated Ebola Patient to NYC Health + Hospitals / Bellevue.

The drill, flagged by the global tracker Ebola Outbreak Map, was quietly conducted before the current Congo migrant surge at our southern border hit the press, with Congo migrants flooding into San Antonio, Texas amid the Ebola outbreak in their home country. Congo migrants said in June that their travel to the United States took six months, meaning that New York City was formally preparing for an Ebola outbreak while the migrants were on their way to America.

The city government stated (emphasis added):

“In order to prepare for viral outbreaks occurring in other parts of the world, New York City and State partnered with first responders in New Jersey to conduct an emergency exercise last week to transport a person pretending to be an Ebola patient to NYC Health + Hospitals / Bellevue. Agencies that participated in the drill included the Health Department, NYC Health + Hospitals, the Fire Department of the City of New York, New York State Department of Health, the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, and health and law enforcement agencies from New Jersey. The exercise entailed the transfer of a person pretending to be an Ebola patient from Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Jersey to the Regional Ebola and Other Special Pathogen Treatment Center at NYC Health + Hospitals / Bellevue in New York City.

Given the current outbreak of Ebola in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is the second largest Ebola outbreak in history with over 1,100 confirmed cases and 700 deaths, it is critical that the healthcare system is prepared to handle an actual case of Ebola or other infectious disease threat. Despite this critical need for readiness, federal funding for Ebola preparedness is set to expire in 2020, placing the future of these emergency response capabilities in jeopardy.

This exercise – the first of its kind between New York City and New Jersey – tested the health care system’s ability to safely move a patient to a clinical setting where Ebola can be most effectively treated…

“New York City is a global city and must be ready to respond when global health issues become local,” said New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Oxiris Barbot. “It is essential for the Health Department to closely collaborate with City agencies, local health care facilities, and our partners in New Jersey so that we can prepare collaboratively for disease threats, like Ebola, and protect the health of New Yorkers when these deadly pathogens appear in our communities…

“In New York City, we need to be ready for anything,” said Laura Evans, M.D., Medical Director of the Special Pathogens Program at NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue and Co-Principal Investigator for the National Ebola Training and Education Center (NETEC).”

New York City Health release passage ends

Meanwhile, Bill de Blasio’s city government has been quietly preparing for an Ebola outbreak in other ways.

The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and its partner Public Health Solutions are no longer accepting applications for the position of: “Ebola and Special Pathogens Program Manager.”

The ad identifies the job as a “short-term project” expected to end in May 2020.

The job posting was flagged by Ebola Outbreak Map, a tracker of the Ebola virus worldwide.

Public Health Solutions, a public health nonprofit, put up the job posting on LinkedIn three months ago, noting, “The selected candidate will be an employee of Public Health Solutions, which is the fiscal and administrative manager of the program, but will work at DOHMH’s headquarters in Long Island City, Queens, NY and be supervised by DOHMH.”

The job posting still exists, as of press time, on Simply Hired and

Since the ad was posted, a wave of migrants from the Congo have entered the United States and stoked fear among people in San Antonio, Texas that they could be carrying disease. An Ebola outbreak is currently underway in the Congo.

The job posting states: “With an annual budget of $1.6 billion and more than 6,000 employees throughout the five buroughs, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH) is one of the largest public health agencies in the world, serving 8 million New Yorkers from diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds…DOHMH’s Office of Emergency Preparedness and Response (OEPR) promotes the Agency’s and NYC’s ability to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from health emergencies. OEPR coordinates agency-wide emergency preparedness planning, exercises and training, evaluation of incident response, exercise performance and collaborates with community and healthcare stakeholders, city, state & federal partners on public health and healthcare emergency planning and response.”

The job posting notes: “This is a short-term project (expected to end by May 2020).”

The duties for this role include:

  • Support the Ebola and special pathogen preparedness programming for healthcare partners including designated treatment centers, network coalitions, and partner agencies (e.g. FDNY), and special projects through deliverable-based contracts (7 Network Coalitions, 2 Designated Treatment Centers, FDNY, others).
  • Working with the Senior Medical Coordinator, support document development for assessing and supporting the preparedness needs of hospital networks and treatment centers for Ebola and special pathogens; this work may include (but not limited to) translating funding requirements into work plans, supporting exercise planning and execution, review of proposals and deliverables sent from the above hospitals and networks to meet preparedness needs and program requirements.
  • Coordinate and support joint planning activities with regional partners from NYC, New York state and New Jersey.
  • Work with the Senior Medical Coordinator and Medical Director to design and carry out new initiatives to support communicable disease preparedness.
  • Develop and maintain relationships with these healthcare entities and their representative leaders to ensure contract deliverables are on time and complete and program requirements are met…
  • Work closely with Senior Medical Coordinator and Medical Director to develop educational support materials to address healthcare system preparedness needs for special pathogens and other communicable disease risks.”….

Job posting passage ends

The Ebola outbreak in Africa is growing.

A new World Health Organization (WHO) report confirms this. The United Nations, of which WHO is a part, and which features a report on its website touting “replacement migration” in the United States, refuses to call the Ebola outbreak a global emergency. Migrants from the Congo continue to invade the United States, particularly the state of Texas.

The Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy reports: “The World Health Organization (WHO) yesterday in its weekly profile of Ebola activity aired growing concern about case spikes in two Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) areas—Mabalako and Mandima—that were hit hard when the outbreak began last August. Meanwhile, the DRC health ministry yesterday reported 7 new cases, and the WHO’s online Ebola dashboard says there will likely be 13 more today, which would lift the overall outbreak total to 2,297 cases.” Center passage ends

Of course, this is not stopping our globalist central planners from allowing migrants from the Congo to invade the United States, even as a mystery disease has led to three people being quarantined at a private hospital in El Paso, Texas.

The Washington Examiner recently interviewed Congolese migrants in San Antonio. Even the New York Times admits that migrants from the Congo are contributing to a “surge” at the border.

A medical professional on the border in Texas told Big League Politics that the crisis is reaching fever pitch, with three individuals now quarantined at a privately-owned hospital in El Paso with an unknown disease. The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has not even been able to identify the disease the three migrants have, as the military guards the quarantine area.

“There were some Congolese people caught crossing the border, it was suspected they had Ebola. In one facility there are three patients being held because they don’t know what they have. The CDC have been here to assess them. They are isolated, they only have certain specialists who can see them,” the medical professional tells Big League Politics.

“We’ve had an outbreak of mumps over here.”

“What scares me is what happens if we someone come over here with Ebola. We only need one person, and there’s a pandemic.”

“There was a female, 10 years old, who was found with 20 different types of semen inside her body. She was dispatched to a family member. The girl who was with her who was supposedly a family member was not really a family member, just someone who bought her from her family in Guatemala. These are real problems that exist here on the border. There are some people who are trying to leave jugs of water out here for them. A lot of these people come to this country needing help,” the professional stated.

Migrants are obtaining “Rent-A-Kids,” and since Border Patrol cannot perform DNA tests to determine if children are related to adults most of the human traffickers get into our country.

“In Juarez, there is a huge influx of Cubans right now. They have taken over the streets and started a prostitution ring among them. The Cubans cannot cross here. If they have Cuban citizenship, they cannot cross here.”

“There are a lot of people who come here from El Salvador, Guatemala who are in acute renal failure, they cannot walk. There are some who have come with cirrhosis of the liver. I’ve seen some patients who are almost at the point of dying with the cirrhosis that they have,” the medical professional stated. “The time and resources it takes up to treat them is massive.”

“A lot of these children come over here sick, you don’t catch the flu overnight, there’s an incubation period. A lot of these kids are already sick coming here. Right now, at least 2 percent are being taken up by people who are coming here illegally, somehow someway they do have insurance. We’re guessing that as soon as they come over here they get some kind of insurance, whatever they are not given we have to foot the bill here, and they are illnesses they have had for a while,” the professional stated.

Big League Politics has previously confirmed with border watcher Jim Benvie that illegal migrants obtain insurance and EBT cards upon gaining access to the United States.

“There have been some women who have come forward who said they were raped…in the end you have to believe they were because of the damage done to them, either vaginally or anally,” the professional stated.

“When they cross over, you see them land…being transported in these huge buses, they don’t have to go through TSA, they get escorted and go first. What they need to do is it has to be like Ellis Island, they need to vet these people and quarantine.”

I reported: Jim Benvie is a border watcher who leads fellow concerned citizens in peacefully stopping migrants who invade the United States over the southern border. Benvie’s videos from the border can be found on his Facebook page. Benvie is the leader of the Guardian Patriots and has been especially active in the El Paso, Texas region.

Benvie appeared on The Campaign Show with Patrick Howley on Patriots Soapbox (6-8 PM Eastern on Sundays, to discuss the scourge of human trafficking and cartel activity on the Texas and New Mexico border, the ACLU’s quest to fight citizen watchers, and the deep possibly irreversible corruption of our American political system.”


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