Idaho Governor Reimplements COVID-19 Mask Mandates in State After His Lt. Gov Banned Them

Idaho Gov. Brad Little reimplemented mask mandates throughout his state after his Lt. Gov. Janice McGeachin had previously issued an executive order banning them.
Little chided McGeachin for her alleged abuse of power while reimplementing mask mandates throughout the state. Little was partying with lobbyists and cronies at an exclusive Republican Governors Association meeting in Tennessee when McGeachin took charge and made the order.
“The action that took place while I was traveling this week is not gubernatorial. The action that took place was an irresponsible, self-serving political stunt,” Little said.
“Taking the earliest opportunity to act solitarily on a highly politicized, polarizing issue without conferring with local jurisdictions, legislators, and the sitting Governor is, simply put, an abuse of power,” he added.
McGeachin snapped back over Twitter, pointing out that Little’s failure in leadership during the COVID-19 crisis hurt Idaho residents throughout the mass hysteria episode:
Big League Politics has reported on the police state abuses that have occurred in Idaho throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, enabled by Little’s craven leadership:
“A shocking video has been posted on social media of a mother being hauled off in handcuffs from a playground at Julius M. Kleiner Memorial Park in Meridian, Idaho.
It was posted on Facebook by activist Erin Whitt Timmerman and demonstrated how law enforcement officials will readily comply with unconstitutional orders.
She wrote in the description for the video: “Local police officer arresting a Mom for being at our peaceful protest at. The. Kleiner Park. Playground. In the first 10-20 seconds of my video you can also see an officer stiff arm a mom holding a 2 mo old baby What is this world coming too (sic)…?”
The crowd can be heard booing and yelling things like, “Paying taxes at the playground,” “This makes no sense,” “Taxpayer money,” and other slogans. According to the local news, the woman identified as 40-year-old Sarah Brady received a trespassing charge for unauthorized entry of the playground. Protests are reportedly being held at the Meridian City Hall on Brady’s behalf.
The Meridian Police Department (MPD) stands behind their decision to enforce tyranny because a sign and caution tape were placed around the playground.
“These are very trying times and the Meridian Police Department supports the public’s right to assemble for peaceful protest, however the right does not include damaging public property or ignoring closures of City property and facilities,” MPD said…
Idaho is a state generally considered to be a haven for freedom, but even they have succumbed to the coronavirus hysteria.”
McGeachin is demonstrating what courage looks like from the Lt. Gov. post. Little should step aside and allow her to take over the reigns as governor before he harms his state further.