Illegal Alien Pleads Guilty to Repeatedly Raping Child

An illegal alien living in Texas has received a 40-year prison sentence after pleading guilty to repeatedly raping a girl for four years, beginning when she was only 10 years old.
“[Julio Cesar] Leon was convicted of continuous sexual abuse of a young child for engaging in various sexual acts with a girl when she was between 10 and 14 years old,” according to The Weatherford Democrat.
Leon, 41, will not be eligible for parole. Since he is an illegal alien, Immigrations and Customs Enforcement has placed a detainer on him. He will be deported after completing his prison sentence.
“As is often the case, the victim did not make her outcry of abuse until a few years later,”Assistant District Attorney Jeff Swain reportedly said.
“During a forensic interview at the Children’s Advocacy Center of Parker County, the victim described a grooming process whereby Mr. Leon gradually turned what started as simple touches over the clothing to more intimate and eventually sexual contact of an increasingly intrusive nature. The grooming process is a common element in child sexual abuse cases because it allows a would-be child molester to test the waters with a victim a little bit at a time, norming the contact for the child in the process,” he continued.
Leon reportedly admitted to the police that he had had several sexual encounters with the girl before he was arrested and charged for the crime.
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