Illegal Aliens Let Loose From Jail After Allegedly Robbing $1,700 in Clothes from Macy’s

Two illegal aliens were recently let loose from jail in DuPage County, Illinois, after allegedly robbing nearly $2,000 worth of clothes from a Macy’s department store.

Venezuelan illegal aliens Abel Barrios-Estava and Rafael Mata-Torres, were arrested and charged with burglary and retail theft after allegedly stealing around $1,700 worth of clothing from Macy’s in Oak Brook, Illinois.

Per law enforcement sources, officers responded to a call about a retail theft incident at Macy’s on October 23, 2023 where they identified Barrios-Estava as the perpetrator of the theft of six pieces of clothing worth over $300.

Although Barrios-Estava was initially taken into custody, he escaped and fled on foot. Officers pursued the Venezuelan national on foot and eventually took him into custody.

In the meantime, police also arrested Mata-Torres, on the accusation that he stole 13 pieces of clothing valued at $1,400 from Macy’s.

Both illegal aliens had been living in Chicago. Since receiving their charges, they had been released on bail and were monitored with electronic ankle bracelets. 

What’s occurring in Illinois is the product of public policy, namely sanctuary policies that ban local law enforcement from sending criminal illegal alien suspects to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, who will subsequently be deported. 

These criminal incidents will proliferate as long as the US ruling class maintains lax border controls and interior enforcement. Such measures are designed to facilitate the largest demographic shift in human history, which does not augur well for the future of Western civilization. 

Only a serious nationalist movement that is primarily focused on restricting immigration can stop this civilization-destroying process. Republicans have not only failed in this regard, but they actively facilitate mass migration. 

It’s high time that these feckless insects be replaced with a real opposition. 

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