Illegal Man Arrested for Raping Child in Kentucky

An illegal alien living in Kentucky has been arrested for raping an underage girl.

“According to sheriff’s department officials, the investigation showed a 15-year-old female that had been sexually assaulted between March and May of 2016 in McCracken County on three different occasions by Andres Villarrealmercado. He is facing three counts of rape, first-degree,” said a KFVS report.

Feb. 10, the McCracken County Sheriff’s Office reportedly opened an investigation into the three incidents of rape, all of which allegedly occurred in 2016. The department located Villarrealmercado five days later and arrested him without incident.

They confirmed that he was in the United States illegally.

Villarrealmercado is reportedly being held in the McCracken County Jail on $100,000 bond.

News of the latest completely preventable and horrific crime committed at the hands of an illegal alien comes as the battle over border security rages in Washington, D.C. President Donald J. Trump compromised with the radical, open borders-supporting Democrats, accepting their bogus terms in the latest budget bill, which only provides $1.3 billion for a border wall. The bill also restricts where and how Trump can build the wall.

As a counter, Trump declared a National Emergency and plans to use $8 billion from the Department of Defense budget to construct the barrier. Sixteen states have already teamed up for a lawsuit against the Trump administration’s emergency declaration.

The administration is prepared for a bitter court battle, as Democrats fight against the interests of American citizens on behalf of criminal illegal aliens.

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