INTERVIEW: American Border Foundation is Focused On Building The Wall

The American Border Foundation (ABF) with hosted a press conference last week in Washington, D.C. to discuss the necessity in funding the border wall.
Big League Politics caught up with some of the speakers at the conference, the founders of ABF, and concerned citizens who have seen firsthand how illegal immigration is affecting our country. People from all over the county, with varying reasons, expressed the need for securing the southern border.
ABF founders, Quentin Kramer and Ryan Bosi, who are in the process of producing a documentary filmed at the southern border, explained the background of their foundation.
“We started the American Board foundation to help America get control of our borders period. And that is the wall but it’s also about manpower it’s also about technology. So, in addition to having this project of fund the wall, we found a way to get money to DHS to be able to use directly.
We also work with sheriffs at the border and civilian organizations. We’re about helping them get manpower and helping them get resources and technology that they need in order to get to operational control, whatever that means for their sector that they’re trying to protect.”
Kramer states that all funds raised are sent directly to the Department of Homeland Security, “so that they can use it to build with directly and they have all the permits and imminent domain that they need.” Unlike some of the other wall-funding projects floating around right now, ABF if working with DHS to help with border security.
The documentary, which is going to be released in eight episodes, is set to come out summer 2019. The film is meant to bring the conditions at the southern border including human trafficking, drug importation, and every day life to the attention of Americans, as Kramer explains.
“When you look at how we’re trying to bring American together around this concept of operational control, it’s also about humanizing and letting people know what the conditions are like for people who actually lives at the border. People who live at the border have to go through a lot because it’s not secure. We want to document that and bring that to America’s attention. But also, what we want to do is to talk about a lot of the objections we face here – when it comes to people saying that the majority of the people here are Visa overstays and that the majority of people who got hooked on heroin started from pharmaceutical companies.”
David Harris Jr is also set to be involved with the documentary because the issue is personal for him, as he told Big League Politics.
“My wife was hit by a drunk driver in 2007 and he was illegal. He had already been deported once. He was going over 60 miles an hour on 35 mile an hour road he blew through a stop sign and at the last split second his car went to the right and hit the back right of her car instead of T-boning her. The doctor said that if he had T-boned her, I would be an Angel Husband. She would not be here. She would not be here today based off someone who should not have even been in our country. He got a slap on the wrist and it’s probably back on the street. So, it’s personal for me like so many Americans. When it happens to someone in your family it’s a whole another degree as to why you want to see the border secured.”
Another supporter of ABF is Brandon Tatum of TPUSA, who worked for 14 years as a police officer in Southern Arizona. With a law enforcement background, Tatum sees the negative impact illegal immigration has on police officers.
“I advocate the border wall because I think it works. It’s been proven by the border patrol the agents that are working right there on ground level. We have seen an influx own drugs and crime that has been incredibly dangerous not only to citizens but also law-enforcement.
We have seen an influx of these things happening in we should trust the border patrol agents on what they say they need. A border wall is not something that is inhumane. There is already a wall there it’s just ineffective. So, all we are doing is advocating for an effective measure that can help alongside with modern technology and border patrol agents doing what they’re supposed to do along with ICE.
I support it as a person who’s been there in southern Arizona for 14 years working in law-enforcement, I have seen it firsthand the devastating factors of having an open border and not having proper border security.”
There were also Angel Moms and Dads in attendance that shared their heartbreaking stories of how illegal immigrants changed their lives forever. Ray Tranchant, an Angel Dad of 12 years, told his story.
“My 16-year-old daughter and her friend who was 17, were killed by a multiple DUI illegal alien who kept falling through the system. Virginia Beach at the time was called a sanctuary city because whenever illegals were sent to jail, they wouldn’t call ICE. The sheriff said they wouldn’t call ICE because they don’t answer, so we had to go back and fourth with them.
Bottom line was, we had two dead girls and this guy came right out of the dessert and used the underground railroads that Americans have established here, to get them wherever they want to go. He came in at Mesa, Arizona and made it to Virginia Beach. When he got to Virginia, he had a cartel there that sold him an ID card, a license plate, and a car. These people make money selling illegals this stuff.”
“The whole thing backing it up isn’t the DUI’s. Why did this guy go to judges and they just let him go? The point is, the system is broken. He’s in prison, he has 40 years in prison, he’s already done 12 years. But, the judge gave him a suspended sentence so he’ll do 24 years, and he’ll do 16 suspended and if he even steps back in the country, he will have to go back to prison for 16 years. But, that will never happen. He won’t come back. If we did that more often, people wouldn’t come back and back after getting deported.”
“I’m not angry at him as much anymore. As a matter of fact, I forgive him. I can’t hang on to that because my fight is with the federal government. I tried to sue the city, the state, and government. We don’t want money, we just want to stop the bloodshed.”
Big League Politics will have more has the American Border Foundation documentary progresses.