[INTERVIEW] BLP Gets a Chance to Talk to One of the Most Hardcore Pro-Gun Organizations in the Country

In recent decades, the National Association for Gun Rights has emerged as one of the fastest growing gun lobbies in the nation.

As a means of separating itself from establishment gun lobbies, NAGR has emphasized a no compromise approach to its activism. One of its main selling points is its advocacy of Constitutional Carry – the concept that any lawful individual can carry a firearm without having to beg the government for permission.

BLP had the chance of conversing with Christopher Stone, the Director of Political Operations for NAGR, on the organization’s plans for 2020 and how it intends to move forward in future legislative sessions across the nation.


1. The National Association for Gun Rights has been a leader in the no compromise gun rights scene for some time. 2020 is obviously pretty heated in terms of policy debate. How is NAGR positioning itself during this election cycle?


NAGR is utilizing our Political Action Committee to support pro-gun candidates for public, and oppose anti-gunners who are running with the mission to destroy our right to keep and bear arms. Our Foundation is also monitoring legal cases which could affect your Second Amendment rights, and the main organization (which is a 501c4) is always focused on engaging our 4.5 million members and supports to lobby their elected officials, and hold them accountable for their actions. We run a full scale candidate survey program to get each and every politician on the record as to whether they support your gun rights or not.

 Another brand new project of NAGR is the formation of the Gun Rights America SuperPAC. While not an affiliated PAC, NAGR executives saw fit to form the first and only no compromise Super PAC to carefully spend large sums of money in the defense of pro-gun public officials, and also utilize it to expose and mobilize against radical anti-gunners. You can find out more at: Gunrightsamerica.org

2. For anyone that’s been in the political game, it’s crucial to have at least a few people on the inside to get legislation introduced. That’s where candidate recruitment comes into play during election season. Are there any candidates that you guys have endorsed so far?

 Inside and outside operations are crucial to defeating anti-gun legislation, and passing pro-gun legislation. If it was not for our 4.5 million dedicated members who make phone calls, sign petitions, visit their elected officials, and vote, we could not accomplish much of anything. A politicians worst fear is angry voters. But we also want heroes on the inside. Heroes like State Representative Jonathon Hill (R-SC), U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), U.S. Sen Rand Paul (R-KY). NAGR-PAC has endorsed a large slate of 100% pro-gun candidates including Matt Gurtler, Marjorie Greene, Nick Freitas, Corky Messner, Kris Kobach, Tommy Tuberville, and more.


3. NAGR has positioned itself in a unique way compared to other Second Amendment organizations. Namely, it has emphasized the passage of Constitutional Carry in states across the country? Do you guys have any plans in mind to continue advancing Constitutional Carry in the near future? Is NAGR targeting any states in particular?

 Absolutely. Tennessee, Louisiana, Texas, Indiana, and Montana being top targets. South Carolina and Alabama as well. Passing Constitutional Carry into law is a top priority of ours at the state level, while also fighting back against “Red Flag” Gun Confiscations laws and Universal Gun Registration.


4. 2020 has been rather interesting for the Second Amendment community. A number of states have witnessed the rise of the Second Amendment Sanctuary movements. Was NAGR involved in any way with regards to these movements? Do you guys have plans of helping people organize similar movements in the near future?

Our entire mission is about engaging the grassroots so they can be the tip of spear in fighting back against gun control. Perhaps one of the greatest things grassroots gun owners can do is take action at the local and state level where part time public officials are most likely to listen to their constituents. We plan to keep expanding our state operations like we have been doing in Texas, Michigan, South Carolina, Florida, and Colorado. The more gun owners we can unite at the local level, the more gun control we can repeal and free people from.


5. Constitutional Carry is NAGR’s bread and butter. Are there any other legislative items that the NAGR will be pursuing in the next year so?

Fighting back against “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation and Universal Gun Registration Laws. We will also be working to gather more support for repealing the Gun Free School Zones Act and passing the SHUSH Act. You Can read more about that at nationalgunrights.org


6. One thing  that sets NAGR apart from other organizations is its long-term thinking and strategic focus. Beyond 2020, is NAGR’s game-plan changing? Will there be more of an emphasis on state level or federal level activism?

Our mission is the same: Stand up for freedom, defend the Second Amendment. Our long-term goals are to keep expanding our state groups and increase our footprint in D.C. Swamp. We want to continue training and growing our staff, in both skill and size, so they are equipped to partner with grassroots gun owners and mobilize them in the battle to restore our God-given right to keep and bear arms. 2021 is going to bring a lot of exciting legislative battles, and we are gearing up to make some big wins.

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