INTERVIEW: Culture of Life 1972 Founder, Carla D’Addesi

Big League Politics caught up with pro-life activist Carla D’Addesi, founder of Culture of Life (COL) 1972 – Fashion Made for Life.
With the recent focus on the dark infanticide comments and the New York Abortion law, COL 1972 exists to bring a “culture of life” to the fashion world. The pro-life clothing line was created to bring “the idea that there could be a Fashion Brand that celebrates LIFE to the fullest…”
The strategic name of the organization is explained as 1972 – the year before Roe v. Wade was passed – being the last year that there was a “culture of life” in the United States – it was the last year that the most innocent lives were lawfully protected.
The clothing line also has a blog that keeps up with the latest pro-life activism and foundation that gives back a percentage of purchases to organizations like pregnancy help centers, that provide women free alternatives to abortions.
WATCH the interview with Carla D’Addesi: