Interview: Leader of Clinton-Connected Sex Cult ‘Believes Himself To Be Lucifer’

A former top employee of the NXIVM sex cult tells Big League Politics that Democrat senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s stepmother was an active member of the cult while Gillibrand’s father actually worked for the cult.

NXIVM leaders Keith Raniere and Allison Mack are standing trial on human-trafficking and child sex trafficking charges. The cult’s benefactors donated lavishly to Hillary Clinton and even hacked Hillary Clinton’s non-secure emails. The Clintons’ longtime lawyer friend from Arkansas, Richard Mays (who interviewed with Raniere in a video segment) was tasked with carrying out legal hit jobs on Raniere’s enemies, according to the former employee.

Frank Parlato, former NXIVM publicist who has exposed the fact that Raniere was branding women, told Big League Politics that the cult is nothing less than a Satanic organization with ties to major Democratic politicians and an extremely disturbing record with children.

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“I worked as the publicist,” Frank Parlato told Big League Politics. “We ran into a major disagreement and we split. At the time I worked for them I thought they were a little peculiar but it wasn’t until the end that I realized they were a downright evil group.”

“There are women on the record who are now adults who have accused Raniere of statutory rape and there are some very suspicious incidents where Mexican girls came under the perimeters of Raniere’s control and left under suspicious circumstances. They came from Chihuahua Mexico. I reported this to the authorities,” Parlato said.

Gillibrand’s family

“Her father Doug Rutnik came to work as a consultant for NXIVM…he was fired, they sued him, and they had to pay him $100,000,” Parlato said, referring Gillibrand’s father.

“Her father’s wife, her stepmother, was also a member of NXIVM…Doug got her into the cult, Gillibrand’s father got Gillibrand’s future stepmother into the cult. Doug left the cult because he was sued. Clare Bronfman after her father was sued donated money to Gillibrand. Gillibrand accepted it.”

“One is inclined to call her a liar,” Parlato says of Gillibrand.

“The Clintons got a lot of money from NXIVM, NXIVM members, one of their main NXIVM members was a guy named Richard Mays, he encouraged Clinton to indict their enemies, to use their political influence in Arkansas to indict enemies of Raniere,” Parlato said.

“It is known to me for a fact that Hillary Clinton had at least $60,000 from Raniere and possibly more,” he added.

“She was just getting out at the time I was the publicist. She was really into it. She would be a cousin too. They were cousins. She was in there 2005 and 2006, and maybe a little bit of 2004. She was really into it,” Parlato said of Gillibrand’s stepmother.

“They weren’t married at the time, but Doug got her out…she wanted to stay in.”

“How does Gillibrand pretend she never heard of this? It seems to be dishonest.”

Human Experiments

Parlato described the bizarre human experiments that Raniere and his benefactors the Bronfman sisters oversaw at the Rainbow Cultural Garden, where they separated children from their parents. Dr. Porter is identified as Raniere’s human experiments chief.

“They do the human fright experiments where they subject women to surprise graphic viewings” similar to A Clockwork Orange, Parlato said.

“The most diabolical experiments that he conducts are experiments where babies are subjected to a constant succession of strangers who take care of them instead of their parents, and the strangers teach them foreign languages,” Parlato said.

“The cult members’ children, they are pressured to give up their children to Raniere. They pay $10,000 to Raniere for the privilege of having Raniere teach them how to speak.”

Seven different nannies would spend time with the children each day and speak seven different languages, rendering the children illiterate, confused, and permanently intellectually damaged.

“Adults are shellshocked now having been through this,” Parlato said.

“The children are housed with their parents and then the children either go to a school, Rainbow School, or the nannies who were sex slaves come to the house,” he said. “The courses run for 6 months to 7 years or so, at which point Raniere alleges the young child’s brain is most susceptible to these different languages and cultures. They get them right at 6 months and the program has only been around for (a few years) so there’s only a limited number of parents.”

“According to his teachings, he believes that sex with children is only prohibited by law, it’s a disadvantage to children he thinks…he doesn’t put it in pamphlet form he just taught it to students who were in the cult strongly enough that they think he’s divine. He said mothers give their sons oral sex and that fathers are attracted to their teenage daughters because they are reminded of their mothers when they were young,” Parlato said.

“He’s a master hypnotist and he has women who help him with the hypnosis. They actually put people to sleep. It’s called different names like exploration of meaning therapy, but what they do is put people to sleep and hypnotize them, then brainwash them that Raniere is the savior and that to go against Raniere will trigger great fear…He is a psychopathic person who gets off on the destruction of other people.”

“He believes himself to be Lucifer, he will give hints from time to time, he will say I’m really a demon,” Parlato said of Raniere, confirming the Luciferian nature of this cult.

“There is not an external Satan, Raniere alone is worshipped, within the sacred confines of the cult Raniere is worshipped as literally a deity,” Parlato said.

Raniere is “Close to Gillibrand, close to the Clintons, close to Schneiderman, I think that’s true,” said the former employee. “There is a reason no one would go after him.”

“All I know is Schneiderman received complaint after complaint after complaint and why did he ignore clear allegations of human abuse? Because he was a human abuser himself,” Parlato said, referring to the disgraced anti-Trump New York attorney general.

What to make of Gillibrand’s statement that she never heard of NXIVM until just recently in the newspaper?

“She must have been living in a world devoid of much information,” Parlato says, referring to the numerous articles about NXIVM that have appeared on the front page of Gillibrand’s hometown newspaper in Albany.

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