Iowa Democratic Party Chair Resigns After Disasterous Caucus Management

The Chairman of the Iowa Democratic Party is resigning after the party failed to promptly release results of the first in the nation Iowa Caucus.
Troy Price announced his resignation on Friday. He had become a target of criticism from Democrats in the state and nationally for the failure of the party to adequately release caucus results the night of the event.
The party claimed that it needed additional time to perform “quality assurance” on the election results, leading to a confusing situation in which final results for the caucus weren’t clear until about a week after the competitive contest. Ultimately Bernie Sanders won the caucuses’ popular vote, whereas Pete Buttigieg won the most delegates.
The Iowa party went on to blame the third-world style election processing on the failure of an app designed for precinct party leaders to report results. The confusion has cast a degree of doubt upon the caucus results, with some suspecting that a finger was placed on the scale in order to push the establishment favorite Buttigieg over the top.
The app the Iowa Democrats are blaming for the flop was developed by a suspect, oligarch-funded tech company with personnel connections to Buttigieg. The CEO of Acronym, the company that developed the “Shadow” app, is married to a senior staffer on the former South Bend mayor’s campaign, an obvious conflict of interest that somehow appears to have been either ignored or kept under the rug.
Price admitted that “Democrats deserved better than what happened on caucus night,” in a resignation letter. “As chair of this party, I am deeply sorry for what happened and bear the responsibility for any failures on behalf of the Iowa Democratic Party.”
Price’s resignation is the bare minimum. Voters in future primary states will be watching closely for incompetent election recording or potential shady tricks.