Iowa Democrats Demand Race Baiting Socialist in 2020 Primaries
While the Democrats like to pretend that their political opponents are the real extremists, the facade is coming off of their divisive race focused agenda to implement radical socialism. Even in the Heartland, Democrats are becoming viciously radical.
According to a poll of Iowa Democrats conducted by CNN and the Des Moines Register, only 38 percent of them would be happy with a straight, white male as their party’s presidential candidate in 2020.
Washington state Governor Jay Inslee is already emasculating himself publicly for votes, saying he has “evinced a humility” for the Democrats’ original sin of being a straight white male.
“I’ve never been pulled over as an African-American teenager driving through a white neighborhood,” Inslee said, perhaps recalling a Hollywood production he has seen.
“I approach this with humility, and that’s why I have been so dedicated through a 25-year public career of advancing justice in our society, of making sure we have as much diversity as possible,” Inslee said before adding that he forces his staff to undergo “implicit bias training” so that they give special favor to minorities, LGBT and other underprivileged groups.
In addition to this extremist racial agenda, Democrats also want to implement the policies of Nicolas Maduro of Venezuela in the United States.
The Des Moines Register gives the scary truth about what the future of America will look like under Democratic control:
“More than half of likely 2020 Democratic caucusgoers say they would be satisfied with a presidential candidate who wants the U.S. to be more socialist.
Fifteen percent would be “very satisfied” with such a candidate and 41 percent would be “mostly satisfied.” Thirty-three percent would be dissatisfied, and 11 percent are not sure, according to the new Des Moines Register/CNN/Mediacom Iowa Poll of likely Democratic caucusgoers…
Whether a candidate embraces socialism or capitalism in their economic policies has been a more important issue this election than in previous years.
Former Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democratic presidential candidate, shied away from calling himself a capitalist in an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program Friday.
“I think most Democrats don’t care as much about the labels,” he said in the interview.
Although many candidates still identify as capitalist, not going quite as far as Sanders, many say that there are problems with capitalism in its current form while on the campaign trail. Progressives like Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren told Bloomberg TV, “capitalism without rules is theft.”‘
The Democrats’ open embrace of racist socialist extremism has allowed radical Muslims like Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) to gain a foothold in the party to spew incendiary remarks about the Jewish people unabated. This is a chilling reminder that President Trump, despite his faults, is in fact the only thing standing in the way of this Orwellian totalitarian future that the Democrats have in store for us.