Jeremy Corbyn Wants Terrorists to Run Loose If They’re Considered “Safe”
British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn believes that giving convicted terrorists early prison release is the “correct way of doing things”, provided that they’re “considered safe.”
The Labour leader’s comments come right after the last week’s London Bridge terror attack, where a Jihadist killed two people and three more were left injured in the British capital.
The perpetrator, Usman Khan, had prior jail time for terrorism charges but was released early after only serving half of his sentence because he was deemed “safe.”
Corbyn asserted that terrorists should be let loose once “rehabilitated” and did not bother to criticize sentencing rules which allow prisoners to be freed from prison on parole for good behavior once they serve half of their term.
Former University of Cambridge students Saskia Jones and Jack Merritt were murdered during last Friday’s attack.
The murderer was Usman Khan, who killed the two individuals during a prisoner rehabilitation event they were both attending.
According to the Daily Mail, Khan was imprisoned in 2012 for a terrorist plot but was given an early release after successfully appealing his original sentence.
When asked about Khan’s early release, Corbyn stated, “I think terrorists should be sentenced, as they are, and they should be released as and when they have completed a significant proportion of their sentence and they’ve undergone rehabilitation and they are considered safe to the public as a whole.”
He continued, “I do think that continuing with the process allows people to be released ahead of final complete of their sentence if they’ve been rehabilitated and they have been suitably assessed and they are very strictly monitored when they come out – I think that must be the correct way of doing things.”
Instead of acknowledging the terrorist’s criminal nature, Corbyn shifted the discussion to the supposed “failure” of Khan’s “rehabilitation” program:
There are enormous questions to be learned from this terrible event that happened last week and that is, what happened in the prison with this particular individual, what assessment was made of his psychological condition before he was released and also what supervision and monitoring he was under after coming out?
Khan was apparently wearing an electronic monitoring tag when he committed his lethal attack after being invited to a prisoner rehabilitation conference on November 29, 2019, which was organized by Cambridge University’s Institute of Criminology.
This attack made the British Ministry of Justice review the parole conditions of every convicted terrorist released from prison.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson claims that this number was “probably about 74” people.
Johnson even promised to take action to guarantee that people who commit serious offenses do not get released from prison early.
The U.K. will ultimately have to get its immigration policies in order lest it want to continue appearing like a failed state and not be able to provide basic security for its citizens.
With the U.K. general elections right around the corner, a victory by Jeremy Corbyn would accelerate the U.K.’s descent into total globalist madness.