Jerone Davison Declares Intention to be First Black Member of House Freedom Caucus

Pastor Jerone Davison is already running on one of the most conservative congressional platforms in Arizona, calling for a halt to all Ukraine funding, an immigration moratorium and pledging to have “an A+ rating from the NRA for defending our constitutional right to bear arms.”

Based on online comments he won each congressional debate by digging into his conservative principles often making creative and provocative arguments combined with a gospel flare.

You can now add to the list his intention to join the House Freedom Caucus, a voting bloc in congress widely seen as the most conservative.

“The people of my district want an open, accountable and limited government,” Davison told Big League Politics. “Why beat around the bush and not caucus with the few in D.C. fighting for the same thing?”

The declaration is newsworthy considering its boldness. Candidates typically declare their support for the House Freedom Caucus after winning because of the way it puts a target on your back during campaign season.

But Davison rebuffed those concerns saying “I didn’t become a grassroots frontrunner by hiding my convictions to play it safe.”

Davison played in the NFL for the Oakland Raiders after playing college football at Arizona State University, a college that rests firmly in the district he’s trying to win.

That district, congressional district 4, is well within the margin of victory for Republicans. Kelly Cooper, a moderate, lost his race to Democrat Greg Stanton by a good chunk of votes despite it being a D+2 and toss-up according to most political forecasters.

Cooper is running again but his campaign is reeling from the lack of grassroots support needed to win a hotly contested race.

Cooper’s campaign came under fire for publishing results of a poll that had him winning with 64% that the campaign said was conducted “internally.”

Davison has won 3 of 4 straw polls conducted by legislative districts in the region and tied the last one against Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, an anti-Trump Republican that’s been boosted by a cadre of radio personalities including Glenn Beck and Brandon Tatum.

Cooper has yet to win a district straw poll but he does continue to haul in big money compared to Davison but it remains to be seen if it will help him stave off the threat from the Pastor who’s offered some interesting campaign planks.

His “Pledge to PCs” is chief among them. As a part of this pledge he has promised prior and genuine consultation with Republican leaders in his district on major votes, pledged to offer his tax returns, and help conservative Republicans fundraise in their precincts instead of simply raising funds for House Republicans.

Previously, Davison has spoken about why he is running, being quoted as saying, “When I grew up in the south, the KKK would be coming through, and everybody in our community would be scared and afraid, but I wasn’t afraid because my father had guns in the house and guns made me feel safe,” and, “The past is still relevant today because the Democrats are still terrorists.”

Davison ran for Congress in 2022 and went viral for a campaign ad in which he was depicted holding a rifle while Klansmen were seen running away after approaching his home.

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