Joe Biden Sinks in the Polls After First Debate, as Minorities and Women Rise as Democrat Favorites

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s support as a Democratic presidential contender is cratering after a poor debate performance last week where he was tarred as a racist, with Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren gaining most of his lost support.
Although Biden is still at the top of the pack to take on President Donald Trump in 2020, he garners only 22 percent of support, according to the CNN/SRSS poll released on Monday. Biden dropped a stunning 10 points since the previous poll released in May, showing that the momentum is not on the side of this 76-year-old career politician.
Harris is the biggest rising star, bumping up nine points in the polls to 17 percent after she attacked Biden based on his previous support of segregationist busing policy when it was a nationally relevant issue in the 1970s.
Pocahontas is also on the war path, tomahawking her way up the polls by seven points to achieve 15 percent support. She has edged ahead of Sen. Bernie Sanders, who has not been able re-capture the magic of 2016 when his rabid populist following made him a credible challenger against Hillary Clinton.
Sen. Bernie Sanders’ support is currently fledgling, as he has fallen to fourth place. He lost four points in the polls and now stands at 14 percent, as older white males are predictably losing ground to a radicalized Democratic Party base that is now openly hateful toward whites.
Other candidates in the race are far behind the top four in terms of support. South Bend, IN Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who flaunts his homosexuality on the campaign trail, has four percent support from voters.
Sen. Cory Booker and former Rep. Beto O’Rourke have only three percent of support while Sen. Amy Klobuchar has a mere two percent of support with the rest of the pack at one percent of support or lower.
Although Biden still leads with black voters and elderly voters, he is particularly unpopular with younger people. He trails Sanders, Harris and Warren with only 13 percent support with Americans under the age of 45.
Following the debates, Biden stuttered and stammered when MSNBC reporters attempted to give him a do-over following his poor performance.
Harris continues to hammer Biden, knowing that she has struck a cord in painting him as an out-of-touch racist based upon his legislative actions in the 1970s.
The next debate will take place in September, and will have fewer candidates. Biden will be lucky to hang onto his lead at that point, as the enthusiasm surrounding his campaign is dissipating quickly.