John Kerry Fights to Keep Migrants Off His Private Beach

Far-left failed presidential candidate and former U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is fighting to keep migrants and hikers off of his exclusive beachfront property in France, despite French law which allows them access, according to a Friday report.
“The laws of France say that a portion of all beaches must be public access, but the wealthy Saint-Briac residents don’t think that law applies to them” said Western Journal.
The property in question is Kerry’s inherited home in Saint-Briac-sur-Mer, an exclusive tows described as a “playground for the elite.”
“In Saint-Briac there are more voters than residents — it’s the owners of second homes who make the rules,” said former mayor of the town Auguste Senghor according to an MSN report.
“Under French law the country’s coastlines must be accessible to all,” the outlet continued. “But for decades Saint-Briac leaders have steadfastly refused to obey via a series of legal moves, in particular Senghor’s predecessor Brice Lalonde — Kerry’s first cousin,” the report continued.
Lalonde claimed that a public pathway would hurt the well-being of the residents and that migrants and hikers impede on the privacy of the homeowners in the town. The irony, of course, is that liberal politicians like Kerry foist their open borders agenda on ordinary Americans regularly, but hide behind walls to protect their uppity lifestyles.
He also claimed that opening the beach to the public poses a “terrorist risk,” much like open borders in the United States do.
The reports said that a lengthy legal battle is being fought to open the path up to the public.
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