Journalist Andy Ngo Released From Hospital Following Terrorist Assault in Portland by ANTIFA, Others Dealing With Wounds

Journalist Andy Ngo of Quillette, who was viciously beaten by a gang of left-wing ANTIFA domestic terrorists in Portland, OR on Saturday, has been discharged from the hospital where he was receiving treatment following the assault.
His lawyer, Harmeet K. Dhillon announced on Twitter that Ngo was cleared to leave the hospital and will be commenting further on the situation in the upcoming days.
Good news! @MrAndyNgo has been cleared to leave the hospital! He’ll have more to say in coming days about what happened to him & others yesterday in Portland. He is very thankful for the overwhelming support from decent people, especially @michellemalkin & donors.
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) July 1, 2019
She had previously reported that Ngo suffered from a brain bleed after the assault, likely from being pelted with a milkshake containing quick-dry cement.
Update to @MrAndyNgo supporters — he is being admitted to the hospital overnight as a result of a brain bleed. You sick “journalists” and other hacks gloating about this should be ashamed. As for the rest, please pray for @MrAndyNgo who we need back in health — brave man!????????????????????????❤️
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) June 30, 2019
Police have received information that some of the milkshakes thrown today during the demonstration contained quick-drying cement. We are encouraging anyone hit with a substance today to report it to police.
— Portland Police (@PortlandPolice) June 29, 2019
She now intends to file lawsuits in the aftermath of these acts of terror which were condoned by ANTIFA-sympathizing Mayor Ted Wheeler, who ordered law enforcement to stand down and not keep the peace.
Criminal gang at work, brought to you by the total capitulation of @tedwheeler and his police force told to stand down.
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) July 1, 2019
Goodnight everyone except Antifa criminals who I plan to sue into oblivion and then sow salt into their yoga studios and avocado toast stands until nothing grows there, not even the glimmer of a violent criminal conspiracy aided by the effete impotence of a cowed city government.
— Harmeet K. Dhillon (@pnjaban) July 1, 2019
The mainstream media had previously encouraged the act of “milkshaking” right-wing political figures and activists in recent weeks. Their encouragement of left-wing domestic terror had severe and brutal consequences for Ngo and others who were victimized in Portland this weekend.
Both John & Adam were beaten by Antifa after trying to help a gay man in a sun dress being chased down the street. While the cowards are masked, John and Adam faced the crowds openly and agreed to be named publicly. “I’m not afraid,” John told me. This is John. /f
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) July 1, 2019
This man, Adam Kelly was attacked in Portland by ANTIFA the domestic terrorist organization
— Joe Biggs (@Rambobiggs) June 30, 2019
Activists are currently tracking down the domestic terrorists behind the assault of Ngo and others who were attacked by ANTIFA thugs.
The Antifa with a crowbar, who was captured on video assaulting an elderly man in Portland this weekend, has been identified.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 1, 2019
This one is even better! Again, here’s the folks that handed out the quick drying cement laced milkshakes
— Tara LaRosa (@TaraLaRosa) June 30, 2019
So what substance that comes with a warning label not to touch it on the bucket it’s sold in is a milkshake ingredient? #AntifaTerrorists
— SicSemp (@FreeCaveman7777) June 30, 2019
There are currently GoFundMe accounts that are active to support Ngo as well as Adam Kelly, another man who was brutalized in the assault.