Judicial Activism Strikes Again As Tallahassee Judge Strikes Down DeSantis Administration’s Mask Mandate Ban
Florida’s Gorvernor Ron DeSantis has become a very popular figure in the conservative movement in recent months due to his efforts to push back on leftist tyranny wherever he and his administration is able to. Unfortunately, he seems to have hit quite the roadblock in the form of Judge John Cooper of Tallahasse. Earlier on Friday, the activist judge struck down the mask mandate ban the Governor has been trying to enforce, saying that they are “arbitrary” and that children lack “legal authority”. Correspondents will surely wait with baited breath to see if Judge Cooper will say the same thing regarding “legal authority” when it comes to lowering the voting age to 16 or lower.
“I conclude that this evidence demonstrates that facemask policies that follow [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] guidance are, at this point in time, reasonable and consistent with the best scientific and medical and public opinion guidance at this time,” Cooper wrote. “I am enforcing the bill passed by the Legislature and requiring that anyone who uses that bill has to follow all of the provisions, not some of the provisions.”
And since the CDC is as infallible as the Pope, it would seem logical that the CDC with its stellar track record be the bellwether with which judicial decisions should be made for the country’s third most populous state.
Governor DeSantis’ primary motivation for this legislative effort was not only to provide parents the authority and autonomy needed to make informed and uncoerced medical decisions for their children, but to also push back on the emerging medical tyranny that has metasticized over the last year and a half, which seems to be the globalist’s latest and most fashionable attempt to claw away humanity’s freedom and dignity.
It would also appear that many Republicans in Florida’s State Legislature are content with the trends in the Sunshine State and the rest of the country. One major exception appears to be State Legislator and Congressional hopeful Anthony Sabatini, who has on multiple occasions and venues called out what he considers the RINO leadership in the GOP at all levels of government.
With the uniparty establishment taking greater pains to maintain their entrenched positions, it would appear that Republican politicians will continue to diverge in their actions, with more establishment types helping with maintaining the status quo and America First nationalists working harder and smarter than ever to overturn what they perceive to be the rot in all levels of government. The question of who will succeed will certainly be answered by time either way.