Jussie Smollett Plot Ruled a Hoax, Lawyers Deny

According to a Fox News reporter, “Empire” star Jussie Smollett is no longer considered a victim in what he alleged was a hate crime orchestrated against him by Trump supporters.
“CPD Spox: Jussie Smollett is no longer considered a victim in this case,” said Mike Tobin on Twitter.
CPD Spox: Jussie Smollett is no longer considered a victim in this case
— Mike Tobin (@MikeTobinFox) February 17, 2019
Originally, Smollett claimed that he was attacked in the early morning by racist and homophobic Trump supporters who yelled slurs and “This is MAGA country” while they tied a rope around his neck, beat him, and poured bleach on him. Saturday, Chicago Police confirmed that his alleged “attackers” two Nigerian friends of Smollett’s, both extras on “Empire,” purchased the rope. There are unconfirmed reports that Smollett paid them to perpetrate the hoax.
Meanwhile, the actor’s attorney has spoken publicly in his defense, still claiming that he is a “victim.”
“As a victim of a hate crime who has cooperated with the police investigation, Jussie Smollett is angered and devastated by recent reports that the perpetrators are individuals he is familiar with,” said a statement from Smollett’s attorneys. “He has now been further victimized by claims attributed to these alleged perpetrators that Jussie played a role in his own attack. Nothing is further from the truth and anyone claiming otherwise is lying.”
Smollett is being represented by Michael Monico, the attorney for President Donald J. Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen. Monico appears to be at least the third lawyer on Smollett’s team. Saturday night’s statement was made by attorneys Todd Pugh and Victor Henderson.
“One of these purported suspects was Jussie’s personal trainer who he hired to ready him physically for a music video,” their statement continued. “It is impossible to believe that this person could have played a role in the crime against Jussie or would falsely claim Jussie’s complicity.”
Most of the mainstream media are currently in a holding pattern after jumping to blame Trump and his supporters for the falsified attack.
CNN’s S.E. Cupp, on the other hand, decided to go on a Twitter rampage, claiming that the wrongly-accused Trump supporters should not be happy that they were vindicated from the press’s latest malicious lies.
“The giddiness among Trumpsters over the Smollett news is gross. This story is awful. He allegedly abused police resources, exploited raw divisions in this country, and made it harder for every victim of a hate crime to report. This is sad no matter your politics,” she said.
The giddiness among Trumpsters over the Smollett news is gross. This story is awful. He allegedly abused police resources, exploited raw divisions in this country, and made it harder for every victim of a hate crime to report. This is sad no matter your politics.
— S.E. Cupp (@secupp) February 17, 2019
Had she and the rest of the media waited for the facts to come to light instead of jumping to blame all ordinary Americans who voted for Trump, Smollett would not have been able to “exploit raw divisions in this country.” It is precisely because of the media that his ploy worked.
Cupp has been rightfully ridiculed by conservatives on Twitter.
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