JUSTICE: Elementary Teacher Who Attacked Stephen Miller Suspended

White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller’s third grade teacher has been suspended from her job after talking to the Hollywood Observer about Miller eating glue while in her class.
His teacher, Nikki Fiske, teaches at Franklin Elementary School, and recounted her time with Miller in her class.
She claims he was like “Pig Pen,” a character in the television show Peanuts. “I was always trying to get him to clean up his desk — he always had stuff mashed up in there,” Fiske recounted.
Fiske also claims he would eat glue, as one of his strange quirks.
“He would pour the glue on his arm, let it dry, peel it off and then eat it,” she said. “He was a strange dude.”
Once the article making the claims was released, Fiske was placed on “home assignment,” while the school district figures out what to do about her, according to the Las Angeles Times.
The school district’s concern is “about her release of student information, including allegations that the release may not have complied with applicable laws and district policies,” said district spokeswoman Gail Pinsker.
As first reported by Big League Politics, Fiske is public about her left-wing views, praising former President Barack Obama, and attacking President Donald Trump.
Her Facebook page includes anti-Trump likes including “Anti-Trump Army,” along with a past profile picture featuring Obama, and one featuring a pro-gay marriage rainbow flag filter.
There’s no telling if Fiske will punishment beyond a suspension. School teachers, especially those in teacher’s unions are notoriously hard to punish for wrongdoings.
Big League Politics will keep you updated on this developing story.