Kim Dotcom Issues Statement Asserting That Seth Rich Was WikiLeaks Source

Megaupload founder and friend of Julian Assange has released a statement explaining his involvement with Seth Rich, who he has asserted was the one who leaked DNC emails to WikiLeaks last year.

“I know this because in late 2014 a person contacted me about helping me to start a branch of the Internet Party in the United States. He called himself Panda. I now know that Panda was Seth Rich,” Kim wrote in his statement. “Panda advised me that he was working on voter analytics tools and other technologies that the Internet Party may find helpful.

I communicated with Panda on a number of topics including corruption and the influence of corporate money in politics.”

Dotcom wrote that, “he wanted to change that from the inside.”

“The Rich family has reached out to me to ask that I be sensitive to their loss in my public comments. That request is entirely reasonable,” Dotcom wrote.

He added that, “I have consulted with my lawyers. I accept that my full statement should be provided to the authorities and I am prepared to do that so that there can be a full investigation. My lawyers will speak with the authorities regarding the proper process.”

Additionally, Dotcom wrote that if the evidence that he has is required to be given to the US authorities, he would do so, if proper arrangements are made to protect him.

“I would need a guarantee from Special Counsel Mueller, on behalf of the United States, of safe passage from New Zealand to the United States and back,” Dotcom wrote. “In the coming days we will be communicating with the appropriate authorities to make the necessary arrangements. In the meantime, I will make no further comment.”

His revelations call into question the entire Russian meddling narrative that the anti-Donald Trump establishment media and politicians have been selling the public.

If one is to believe anonymous sources from mainstream media outlets every day, it would be hard to rationalize not trusting a source that is willing to put his own name on the line.

Amidst claims by Dotcom leading up to his statement, Julian Assange tweeted that though WikiLeaks won’t identify sources — sometimes their sources reveal themselves to other people. He also included the #SethRich hashtag in his tweet.

Though Assange has infamously expressed interest in Rich, he has always maintained that WikiLeaks will never name a source. To this day, he continues to refer to Chelsea Manning as an “alleged source.”

The organization did offer a $20,000 reward for Rich’s murderer however, and has retweeted articles that asserted he was their source without providing any additional comment.

“Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often significant risks. There was a 27-year old that works for the DNC who was shot in the back… murdered.. for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington,” Assange said during an interview with Dutch TV last year. When asked by the host if he would suggest that Rich was involved, he stated that “we have to understand how high the stakes are in the United States and that our sources face serious risks… that’s why they come to us so we can protect their anonymity.”

Rich was shot in the back in the early morning hours of July 10, 2016, near his home while he was on the phone with his girlfriend — 12 days before the publication of the DNC emails by the controversial publisher. The police initially ruled that it was a botched robbery — but his wallet, watch, and necklace were still on his person when he was discovered by police.

Reddit and Twitter accounts which are believed to have belonged to Rich strongly indicate that Rich was a fan of Bernie Sanders — which has also been independently confirmed to Big League Politics by a source who was close to the victim. If so, this may provide a motive to leak the information which implicated the DNC in sabotaging the Sanders campaign.

In an aggressive statement following reports that Rich was the WikiLeaks source, Brad Bauman, the spokesman for the Rich family, who just so happens to be a Democratic Party crisis PR consultant, claims that even if an email [to WikiLeaks] was found, it would not be evidence of foul play.

As Big League Politics has previously reported:

Bauman is a well-known Democratic crisis communications consultant and former Democratic staffer. He is a co-founder and partner of the firm the Pastorum Group. Fellow co-founder Josh Cohen has written for The Atlantic Council, the George Soros-funded think tank that targets pro-Trump journalists, and fellow co-founder Michelle Coyle Edwards was an executive at Rising Tide, which was a Ready For Hillary client.

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