Koch-Funded Reason Magazine Says Republicans Should Reject ‘Far-Right Gadfly’ Laura Loomer

The Koch-funded hacks at Reason Magazine are telling Republicans to reject Laura Loomer, one day after she defeated unprecented Big Tech censorship to become the Republican nominee for U.S. Congress in Florida’s 21st District.

Cosmopolitan scribbler Robby Soave accused Loomer of being an “insane racist” as well as a “far-right gadfly and conspiracy theorist” who “palled around with Richard Spencer and said she hoped immigrants would die” in an extremely disingenuous op/ed against the future lawmaker.

“Her associations with the alt-right, conspiracy theorists, and crazy provocateurs are direct and numerous. Republicans should want nothing to do with her,” Soave wrote in his guilt-by-association smear of Loomer.

Soave is incensed that Loomer is being embraced by many on the Right for standing boldly against Democrats and the radical Left. The libertine Koch-whore has relished his role as gatekeeper for acceptable Republicanism for quite some time.

Big League Politics reported on how Soave attempted to denigrate the work of Project Veritas journalist James O’Keefe after he exposed electoral interference by Google:

Reason Magazine editor and Beltway favorite Robby Soave joined the media blackout regarding revelations that Google is deliberately manipulating their algorithms to prevent President Donald Trump from attaining re-election in 2020.

Soave went on Twitter to throw shade at James O’Keefe, the award-winning Project Veritas founder who broke the story on Google’s corrupt practices yesterday…

Conservative voices who have been banished completely off of social media took to blasting Soave on their Telegram accounts.

“I’ve sent the above Soave tweet to three major donors to Reason who are personal friends of mine. This is going to cost them,” Milo Yiannopoulos wrote.

“‘Caught James O’Keefe’? It’s called ‘undercover journalism’ you total and utter f**king fool!” exclaimed Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes.

While it may be easy to attribute Soave’s asinine remarks to foolishness, there may be a more sinister motive afoot.

Soave has a financial motive to malign the victims of Big Tech censorship. His paymasters at the Koch Network are actively partnering with progressive billionaire George Soros, the far-left Anti-Defamation League, and Silicon Valley monopolists to enact the Orwellian Nightmare through the private sector:

The Koch Brothers and George Soros sponsored the “Private Sector Leadership Summit” last week in San Francisco, CA where the billionaire globalist oligarchs urged tech corporations to increase their Big Brother censorship practices.

The event took place on July 17 at the Airbnb headquarters. The summit is an offshoot of the “Communities Overcoming Extremism: The After-Charlottesville Project.” Top sponsors included the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the Soros Fund Charitable Foundation, the Charles Koch Institute (CKI), Comcast NBC Universal, the National Immigration Forum, and neocon Bill Kristol’s organization, Defending Democracy Together.

Speakers at the event included CKI Director of Free Expression Sarah Ruger, Cato Institute Vice President John Samples, ADL Extremism Center Director Oren Segal, ADL Senior Vice President of Programs George Selim, and Americans for Prosperity Vice President for Legal and Judicial Strategy Casey Mattox. The event made official the peculiar union of the Koch foundation with the political Left, as they scramble to protect the globalist status quo.

Panels that took place at the event included “Fighting Hate & Extremism in the Gaming Community,” “New Ecosystems for Exploitation: Extremism Online Beyond Traditional Social Media,” and “Design for Good: How Design, UX, and UI Can Positively Impact User Behavior.”

“As social media, payment, and community companies become more aware of and vigilant toward the threat of extremism, extremists will look for new platforms for propaganda and radicalization. Gaming platforms present a vulnerable new ecosystem for future extremists. This platform will examine the threat and potentials for intervention,” the program reads.

The event made it clear that there will be many opportunities for funding from the corporate elite to facilitate the Orwellian nightmare in the digital age. If the plotting of the Koch network is ultimately successful, it won’t even require government intervention for Big Brother to become reality.

Loomer’s success and growing mainstream appeal is due to the conservative grassroots appreciating her authenticity. Meanwhile, Soave needs his billionaire daddies to astroturf an audience for his drivel. His anguish toward Loomer may ultimately be rooted in envy.

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