KRAKEN: Sidney Powell Visits White House as President Trump Considers Making Her ‘Special Counsel’ to Investigate Election Fraud

President Donald Trump invited attorney Sidney Powell to the White House on Friday night where they reportedly discussed making her a “special counsel” to investigate election fraud.

The New York Times reported that the meeting “became raucous at times” with White House counsel Pat Cipollone attempting to push back against the ideas being discussed. Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani called into the discussion over the phone.

Big League Politics has reported on how Powell is preparing a RICO case against Dominion and Smartmatic over their computerized voting software that allegedly caused many abnormalities on election day:

Kraken-releasing attorney Sidney Powell is still in the process of unveiling the damning evidence that she claims indicates the 2020 presidential election was stolen from President Donald Trump.

She appeared on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on Thursday to give additional details about Dominion and Smartmatic voting software, which is now being referred to as a “Cyber Pearl Harbor.”

“They designed and developed the Smartmatic and Dominion programs and machines that include a controller module that allows people to log in and manipulate the vote even as its happening,” Powell said. “We are finding more and more evidence of this.”

Powell claims that she and her legal team have compiled “reams and reams of actual documents” from the firms showing that Dominion and Smartmatic “planned and executed all of this.”

“We know that 400 million dollars of money came into Smartmatic from China only a few weeks before the election, that there are George Soros connections to the entire endeavor,” Powell said – bringing up Eric Coomer and Mark Malloch Brown as two individuals she believes are involved with the entire scheme.

Powell explained that the documents are still being reviewed but investigators are getting a clear picture of who the major players are. Some of these individuals reportedly include former Venezuelan communications director Jorge Rodriguez, Hezbollah liaison Khalil Majid Mazoub, software designer Gustavo Reyes Zumeta, and Smartmatic CEO Antonio Mujica.

“Frankly, our national security agency and defense intelligence agency need to be all over this immediately. The evidence is overwhelming and extremely troubling that this has been going on and didn’t just start this year,” Powell said.

While Powell has received a lot of criticism over making wild claims about electoral fraud in this year’s election, she has a history of being effective against the deep state.

Big League Politics reported on how the railroading of General Michael Flynn was curtailed quickly by Powell after she came onto the case:

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has announced that they will be dropping the case against General Michael Flynn, which has been marred with corruption and improprieties from its inception.

The Flynn case was a feather in the cap of the special investigation conducted by FBI spook Robert Mueller into Russian collusion. The deep state had hoped to make an example of Flynn, secure a guilty plea from him, and then use it to justify their continued fishing expedition to damage President Donald Trump.

However, things did not turn out the way the entrenched bureaucrats planned. The DOJ announced on Thursday that it is dropping the case “after a considered review of all the facts and circumstances of this case, including newly discovered and disclosed information.”

They came to the conclusion that Flynn’s interview with the FBI was “untethered to, and unjustified by, the FBI’s counterintelligence investigation into Mr. Flynn” and that the interview taking place on January 24, 2017 was “conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.”

Jeff Jensen, the U.S. attorney tasked with reviewing Flynn’s case, made the recommendation to Attorney General Bill Barr that the case be dismissed. Barr followed through with Jensen’s recommendation in a prompt fashion.

“Through the course of my review of General Flynn’s case, I concluded the proper and just course was to dismiss the case,” Jensen said in a statement. “I briefed Attorney General Barr on my findings, advised him on these conclusions, and he agreed.”

Last week, President Trump declared that Flynn was “exonerated” due to the release of court documents showing how the FBI acted improperly throughout the case.

“He’s in the process of being exonerated. If you look at those notes from yesterday, that was total exoneration,” Trump said to reporters in the Oval Office after noting that the fake news was misreporting the details in the case. “These were dirty, filthy cops at the top of the FBI.”

“He is essentially exonerated,” Trump continued. “Now, that’s not official yet, but when you read the notes, how can you do anything else?”

President Trump would be wise to bring in Powell so she can use the resources of the federal government to get to the bottom of voter fraud allegations, as alphabet agencies like the FBI and DOJ refuse to do any real investigation.

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