Large-Scale Scientific Study Shows That ‘Pupils Pose No Risk of Spreading Covid’ in the Classroom

A large-scale scientific study conducted throughout the United Kingdom has shown that students “pose no risk” of spreading the Chinavirus when returning to the classroom.
“A new study that has been done in UK schools confirms there is very little evidence that the virus is transmitted in schools,” said Professor Russell Viner, who works as president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and also serves on the government advisory group Sage.
“This is the some of the largest data you will find on schools anywhere. Britain has done very well in terms of thinking of collecting data in schools,” he added.
The study was carried out in 100 institutions across Britain. Viner believes that its findings make it “imperative” for children to promptly be returned to school. Prime Minister Boris Johnson is adamant about the kids being immediately returned to school as well.
“The education of our children is crucial for their welfare, their health and for their future. That is why it is a national priority to get all pupils back into school in September,” Johnson said.
“The message I have given to Ministers and civil servants is this: we can do it – and we will do it. Social justice demands it,” he added.
Johnson is fighting against the teachers’ unions, who hope to receive taxpayer funds while refusing to do their jobs with COVID-19 being the perfect cover for their immense greed. They have released a ridiculous list of 200 safety precautions that must be followed if they are to return. The National Education Union has urged their minions to “escalate” action if their demands are not met.
“It is incredible not one of these 200 nitpicking questions asks the most important thing of all – what’s best for the kids?” Education select committee chair Robert Halfon MP said in response to the demands.
The battle to reopen schools is also taking place in America, with President Donald Trump having to take on greedy teachers unions there.
Big League Politics has reported on the Trump administration plan to defund schools while they are closed and give the funds directly to cash-strapped parents negatively affected by the pandemic:
Education Secretary Betsy Devos is suggesting that public education funds should be given to families as relief while teachers refuse to do their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“If schools aren’t going to reopen, we’re not suggesting pulling funding from education but instead allowing families … (to) take that money and figure out where their kids can get educated if their schools are going to refuse to open,” Betsy DeVos said to Fox News during an interview.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) has pointed out the senselessness of keeping schools closed throughout the year due to coronavirus mass hysteria.
“Take for example government experts who continue to call for schools and day care to stay closed or that recommend restrictions that make it impossible for a school to function. There are examples from all across the United States and around the world that show that young children rarely spread the virus,” Paul told Dr. Anthony Fauci, referencing countries such as Denmark, France and Germany that have reopened schools without problems.
“No spike when schools are opened. Central planners have enough knowledge somehow to tell a nation of some 330 million people what they can and can’t do,” Paul added.
Right now, teachers are threatening going on a nationwide strike if they are forced to actually do their jobs. They believe that the taxpayers should subsidize them as they sit at home.
This British study should allay parents’ fears regarding schools being reopened, but the mass hysteria will not be easy to overcome with the Democrats and the fake news media having so much to gain from it continuing.