Lawsuit: Detroit Election Worker was Told to Backdate Mail-in Ballots by City Officials

A new election lawsuit contains many explosive claims about potential electoral fraud in Detroit, including allegations from one city worker that she was asked to backdate ballots so they could be unlawfully processed and included in the overall vote total.

The Detroit official, named in the lawsuit as Jessy Jacob, issued a sworn affidavit about what they experienced during the helter skelter that occurred in the battleground state on election day.

“I processed absentee ballot packages to be sent to voters while I worked at the election headquarters in September 2020 along with 70-80 other poll workers. I was instructed by my supervisor to adjust the mailing date of these absentee ballot packages to be dated earlier than they were actually sent. The supervisor was making announcements for all workers to engage in this practice,” Jacob stated in the deposition.

“I directly observed, on a daily basis, City of Detroit election workers and employees coaching and trying to coach voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat party. I witnessed these workers and employees encouraging voters to do a straight Democrat ballot. I witnessed these election workers and employees going over to the voting booths with voters in order to watch them vote and coach them for whom to vote,” Jacob continued.

“I observed a large number of people who came to the satellite location to vote in-person, but they had already applied for an absentee ballot. These people were allowed to vote in-person and were not required to return the mailed absentee ballot or sign an affidavit that the voter lost the mailed absentee ballot,” Jacob added.

The full affidavit can be seen here:

The lawsuit also includes testimony from former assistant attorney general Zachary Larsen, who served as a poll challenger throughout the chaos:

Big League Politics has reported about the many electoral abnormalities that have taken place across Michigan, particularly in the notoriously corrupt city of Detroit:

One day after the election, the results are still pending and will likely depend on the rust belt. President Donald Trump holds a strong lead in the state of Michigan, but the city of Detroit and their mail-in and absentee ballots have yet to be officially tallied.

In news that will likely cast further doubt on the election results, tens of thousands of absentee ballots arrived in large U.S. Postal Service boxes at the TCF Center in Detroit, Mich. on Wednesday morning at 3:30 am. The TCF Center, formerly Cobo Hall, is where the absentee ballots are counted for Wayne County, which is the home of Detroit.

Former Michigan state senator Patrick Colbeck wrote that the total number of ballots dumped on the counting board totaled 38,000…

Before the ballots showed up mysteriously at 3:30 am, no ballots had arrived at the TCF Center for over six hours, and many poll workers in the facility sat around with no work to do while getting paid hundreds of dollars by the state of Michigan.

According to Michigan election law, all of these mail-in and absentee ballots had to be submitted before 8pm on Tuesday night in order to be lawfully accepted and counted for the election. This means the city of Detroit potentially sat on these ballots for hours. The white van that arrived had the name of Detroit city clerk Janice Winfrey emblazoned upon it as well as a logo and a phone number. Last month, Winfrey set the stage to drag out the process in an interview with ABC 7 News.

“We’re back in control, and we know that we will have nearly 10,000 poll workers that will be working with us to process ballots on election day, or election week is what we’re calling it now, because we know we’re going to be slow,” she said, adding that she was not going to let “outside influencers” get in the way of her election day schemes.

If these major concerns with the voting process are not resolved quickly with the true winner of the presidential election being determined, democracy may never recover.

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