Leading Migrant Trafficking Agency Urges Catholic Bishops to Push Gun Control at Annual Conference
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), one of the leading migrant trafficking agencies in the country, is pushing gun control during their annual event this week in Baltimore, MD.
Bishop Frank Dewayne of Venice, FL, who serves as the USCCB’s Committee Chairman on Domestic Justice and Human Development, gave a 20-minute speech at the conference urging bishops to convince their flocks to subvert the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution.
During his presentation, he listed the following “gun policies supported by the USCCB,” which include:
- assault weapon ban
- universal background checks
- limit large capacity magazines
- federal law to criminalized gun trafficking
- improved access to mental health care
- limitations on handguns
- gun locks and safe storage
- assessment of violence in media
“Such regulations are helpful, but they will not ban gun violence completely,” Dewayne said. “For that to happen, we need new ways of thinking. At the heart of the epidemic is a shooter. That shooter somehow in some way turns inward on pain or isolation or illusions that it becomes possible to become desensitized to others, that he loses all empathy.”
The USCCB has a long history of supporting gun control. They issued a March 2018 document titled “Backgrounder on a Mercy and Peacebuilding Approach to Gun Violence,” featuring the same talking points. They also exploited the Aug. 4 mass shooting in Dayton, OH to agitate for gun control.
“The USCCB continues to urge a total ban on assault weapons, which we supported when the ban passed in 1994 and when Congress failed to renew it in 2004,” the USCCB declared following the shooting.
With the money it has received from the federal dole to traffic dangerous third-world refugees into the country, the USCCB are effectively subsidized by the U.S. taxpayer to lobby against gun freedom.
Big League Politics has documented the abuses of the so-called refugee resettlement program that is enabled by groups such as the USCCB:
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has been exposed for accepting bribes from certain migrants to facilitate their relocation into Western nations…
Over 50 refugees registered with the UNHCR from Uganda, Yemen, Kenya, Libya, and Ethiopia have described extreme corruption in the program, following claims made by refugees in Sudan last year.
Some of their horror stories include:
- UNHCR staffers and contractors exposed for extorting refugees, making them pay bribes in order to receive essentials like medical supplies and food rations at the Nakivale settlement of Uganda.
- Nineteen refugees of the Dadaab refugee camp of Kenya claimed that it cost as much as $50,000 to get your family resettled, and it was money not safety that was the determining factor in resettling migrants to the West.
- Many instances were reported where refugees who could not afford to pay off UN workers had their case files stolen and sold off to others with the money to offer bribes, another potential security risk.
Whistle-blowers were forced to talk to NBC News in anonymity for fear of reprisal from the UN globalists desperately trying to keep this corruption under wraps.
“You’re punished if you care too much about the rights of refugees,” a former staff member of the Dadaab camp said. “It’s not a place for that.”
The USCCB is one of countless special interest groups that wield their influence to devastate the U.S. and Western Civilization as a whole.