Leading No Compromise Second Amendment Organization Launches SuperPAC Ad Attacking Milquetoast Republican Challenger in Thomas Massie’s Primary Race
On June 2, 2020, Gun Rights America, the National Association for Gun Rights’ new SuperPAC, released a new video where it warned Kentucky Republicans about Todd McMurty’s anti-track gun record.
McMurty is the establishment candidate running against incumbent Thomas Massie in Kentucky’s 4th Congressional district.
“McMurtry’s stance on the Second Amendment couldn’t be further from Thomas Massie’s, who’s been America’s backbone for gun rights since entering Congress in 2013” proclaimed Dudley Brown, the President of the National Association for Gun Rights and Chairman of Gun Rights America SuperPAC.
Gun Rights America SuperPAC was formed a few weeks ago.
Brown firmly asserted that his SuperPAC is the nation’s premier federal SuperPAC set up to exclusively to defend the Second Amendment.
“Gun owners need a way to play real hardball with anti-gun politicians,” commented Brown, whose organization is based in Colorado. “Our supporters demanded we take the gloves off and expose knuckleheads like McMurtry.”
The group’s ad highlighted McMurtry’s long track record of donating to radical anti-gun Democrat organizations such as ActBlue, a fundraising arm for pro-civilian disarmament group Everytown. McMurtry also sent contributions to Democrat Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear and the Democrat Party of Kentucky.
In a press statement that NAGR released, it called attention to the following factoid:
“Though there have been many federal PACs focused on the Second Amendment, there has never been a SuperPAC (independent expenditure committee) that directly acts for or against candidates for office based solely on firearms issues.”
As opposed to regular Political Action Committees, SuperPACs such as Gun Right America can raise unlimited amounts of money from individuals and corporations to bankroll “hard-hitting programs for — or against — candidates for federal office.” There are no limits to how much a SuperPAC can spend to promote its cause.
“For too long, we’ve been told to ‘play nice’ with politicians,” declared Brown. “Gun Rights America takes the opposite approach, and its job is simple: defeat any candidate who schemes against our gun rights. It’s one more — huge — weapon in the arsenal of freedom.”
Direct mail, phone calls, digital ads, and radio ads are part of NAGR’s campaign to do outreach with pro-gun activists and voters. “But we’re not stopping there,” commented Brown. “Gun Rights America is going to take on Nancy Pelosi in the House and ensure that her vulnerable anti-gun members face serious challenges from true pro-gun allies.”
NAGR has been one of the most prominent organizations pushing for a genuine restoration of the right to bear arms. Their tactics have played a critical role in scoring victories for certain causes such as passing Constitutional Carry.
For any gun owners that are serious about restoring the Second Amendment, NAGR and its political arms are some of the only organizations worth donating to.