Leftists Use Obama-Era Immigration Picture To Attack Trump

Anti-Trump pundits, searching for every opportunity to attack the President, have begun circulating pictures taken in 2014 of illegal immigrant children in detention centers, acting as though they were taken while Trump is in office.

The pictures came from an AZcentral article, and have been spread around by high profile social media figures such as Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour and the white Black Lives Matter leader Shaun King.

While the posts don’t attempt to directly state that they were taken in 2014, when Barack Obama was president, it is highly alluded. That is proven by many of their followers, who directly blame President Trump for what is seen in the pictures.


While Sarsour and King were more careful with their wording, Jon Favreau, who served as Obama’s speechwriter, stated in a now-deleted Tweet” that what was seen is “happening right now.”

Favreau then Tweeted a justification for the pictures, stating that it was different in 2014 when his former boss was President.

It isn’t surprising that Trump is facing fake criticism. Enforcing federal immigration laws is an issue that polls very well. All the flack that the President has been receiving on this issue stems from his willingness to do what he was elected to do.

Pulling up four year old pictures taken during the Obama years seems to be the only tool the left has to counter Trump’s calls for immigration enforcement.

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