LGBT Child Educational Curriculum Uses NAMBLA Talking Points to Sexually Brainwash Kids

A troubling video of sexual education in Canada has shown exactly how depraved and abusive the LGBT agenda has become toward children.
A pro-children advocacy group, Questioning LGBT/CSE Education, posted the video on social media in several parts showing how children are being sexualized and indoctrinated before thae age of adolescence.
The first lesson starts innocuous enough, featuring a basic anatomy lesson with two dolls. This is meant to normalize talk about genitals as the lesson gets more explicit:
Another lesson shows the instructors telling children “there’s no right or wrong age to fall in love,” which is straight out of the NAMBLA playbook before dovetailing into masturbation tips for the confused children:
Next, the instructors tell the children to simulate different types of kissing with the dolls:
The instructors move on to talking about gender, introducing concepts like “fluidity” and “non-binary” that the children are clearly unable to comprehend. A lecherous creep is then brought in as an “expert” to address children about the gender spectrum:
The second part of the following video shows the children perplexed after the lecture by the so-called “Drag King,” as the trans male explains to the kids how he took drugs for the purposes of his gender transition before they play a gender-driven game of musical chairs:
The next lesson is about sexuality, in which one of the instructors comes out as bisexual and the kids are encouraged to explore their boundaries. Then, drag queens are brought in to help the kids “learn more about orientation and attraction.” These are the same drag queens who regularly host story hour events in libraries that have become a magnet for pedophiles:
While this lesson plan is from Canada, the LGBT children curriculum in the U.S. and the rest of the West is following suit.
One educational whistleblower from California explained how children as young as 10 are being taught how to perform oral and anal sex as well as put condoms on prosthetic genitalia.
Big League Politics reported on this shocking story of LGBT child abuse:
A whistle-blowing former public school teacher is sounding the alarm about new middle school sexual education standards in California that sexualize children and teach them dangerous sexual behaviors before the age of adolescence.
“It’s shocking,” Rebecca Friedrichs, the founder of For Kids & Country, said in an interview with The Christian Post. She spoke of relay races where 10- and 11-year-old girls are trained to put condoms on a prosthetic male erection as the boys watch on.
Kids as young as 11 years old are trained in how to engage in oral and anal sex and taught to experiment with bisexuality by public school teachers.
“It is medically risky on multiple levels. And when you read the curriculum … it’s written almost like a college fraternity wrote this curriculum in a very crass and a juvenile way,” she said of the ongoing sexualization of children.
“I always tell people that the scary thing is, I’ll give radio interviews and I can’t even say on the radio things that are being taught in our elementary and middle school classrooms in mixed company. There’s something very wrong there,” said Friedrichs, a conservative activist who taught in public schools for 28 years.
“No one believes it until they see it,” she said. “Now that we’ve been able to help parents to understand what’s actually in the curriculums and they’re viewing it for themselves, they see the urgent need to rescue the kids. Now there’s a groundswell of parents that’s growing fast and fighting back.”
The LGBT movement has advanced from marriage equality to robbing kids of their innocence in less than a decade. If their perverted agenda is not stopped, there is no telling how many childrens’ souls they will destroy.