Liberal Group MoveOn Plans On Spending $32 Million to Support Biden and Other Democrats in the 2024 Election Cycle

In late January, liberal activist organization MoveOn plans on spending over $32 million in 2024 to support incumbent President Joe Biden and other Democratic candidates for the House and Senate. 

Rahna Epting, MoveOn’s executive director, urged for a “house party strategy” to mobilize its 10 million supporters for in-person events for the first time since the outbreak of the Wuhan virus pandemic. 

This plan calls for activating members in seven states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — in addition to 26 competitive House districts nationwide.

Epting said that efforts to rally support behind Behind and Democrat candidates in Congress, will concentrate more on fearmongering about what former President Donald Trump and his Republican allies would do if they get back into power. 

“The No. 1 thing that unifies MoveOn members is their desire to defeat the radical right and prevent them from gaining governing power,” Epting declared. “The one thing that binds all of our members together is a concern about the opposition and what they’re threatening to do to this country. And I think that’s what turns people out to a national organization to take action and mobilize together.”

MoveOn was founded in 1998 to oppose Republican attempts to impeach President Bill Clinton. It’s a fixture of the progressive industrial complex and has exerted major influence nationwide. 

MoveOn plans on targeting voters who became eligible to vote or become more active at the polls after Trump won the 2016 presidential election. MoveOn has labeled this voter sub-sect as “surge voters,” who tend to pull the lever for Democrats but are not as up to date on the news. 

Epting proclaimed that although Democrats have had solid performances in recent elections, and that the Biden regime has passed critical legislative reforms, there still existed a “disconnect” in which polling numbers demonstrate that many voters are still not big fans of the Biden regime.

“There is enthusiasm out there for the Biden coalition. We saw it show up in 2020,” she stated. “We saw it in ’22 where we kept the Senate. We saw it in the Virginia elections. We’ve seen it in these red states on abortion bans. Our job, as we see it, is to ensure that enthusiasm shows up for Biden and Harris in November.”

The cultural Left and its allies in the neoliberal and progressive wings in the Democratic Party are getting behind Biden despite his flaws. This should serve as a reminder to the Right that this consortium of leftist organizations are working overtime to ensure that Biden stays in power. 

In light of this harsh reality, America First Republicans should continue hitting the pavement and activating as many voters as possible to ensure their victory at the polls. 

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